US Politics | Not coming to solve any real crime near you any time soon… it’s the Woke Police

MUM-of-five Caroline Farrow was cooking a roast dinner for her family when the coppers arrived, hammering at her door. They demanded she hand over all of her electrical devices — phone, tablet and so on — and then Surrey police dragged her off to the nick. Serious crimes come very low down on the list of things the police care about Mum-of-five Caroline Farrow told how she felt ...dehumanised' by the police investigation Her children — and her husband, a priest — were scared sick. She spent eight hours at the police station, six of them by herself in a cell. The coppers questioned her repeatedly. What was her alleged crime? That she might have said something a bit mean about a transgendered bloke, anonymously, on a website. They had not the slightest evidence to suggest that she had done so. Only the say-so of her accuser. READ MORE ON POLICE FOOTY PROBE Footballer arrested after 'breaking six of ref's bones & dislocating shoulder' GRACE MACASKILL If these pervs hadn't been made public, would ALL victims have got justice? He thought it MIGHT have been her who'd said something a bit nasty. No evidence to support this, whatsoever. Caroline insists she most certainly hadn't written ANYTHING anonymously on the site. She was eventually released and told she was "under investigation." Caroline, a middle-aged Roman Catholic who has been serially harassed by trans activists for her views, told me how the whole experience had left her feeling "dehumanised". Most read in The US Sun LAST WORDS Country queen Loretta Lynn shared heartbreaking message days before death at 90 IS KELLY OK? Ryan Seacrest concerned as Live co-host Kelly Ripa injures herself live on air TOTAL BLACKOUT World's biggest blackout as mystery grid failure plunges 140m into darkness PAIGE TURNER Spiranac gives brilliant answer after cheeky fan asks for influencer's 'size' ALICA IN WONDERLAND 'World's sexiest athlete' stuns fans on paddleboard in summer shoot WHO? Kourtney & Travis make surprise appearance on DWTS- but Tyra makes mistake She said: "I felt I was treated like a common criminal — and I hadn't done anything." Well, I beg to differ. What you have done is refuse to concede that a man who transitions into a woman IS a woman. As a consequence the Old Bill are on your case. They are on the side of the trans activists who have been harassing you. You are not allowed to say stuff like that, even if it is palpably true. The Government just announced that in future every burglary will be investigated by police. It is incredible they should have to make this pledge. But the police have changed in recent years. Burglaries — and car crime and street crime and assault — come a very long way down the list of stuff they care about. Warped priorities They are far more interested in arresting middle-aged women for non-existent hate crimes. They enjoy nothing more than policing the internet looking for someone who might have said something a bit naughty. That's because arresting Caroline Farrow is a lot easier than apprehending some scrote who has just mugged someone in the street. Caroline Farrow isn't going to stab anyone and she isn't going to zoom off on a moped, either. Plus, policing non-existent hate crimes gets the coppers brownie points with the Left. It's another thing to add to their recent repertoire, which has involved going down on one knee, painting their patrol cars in rainbow colours and standing on and watching while statues get thrown into a river. Welcome to the Woke Police — not coming to investigate a real crime near you any time soon. Fewer than four per cent of victims of theft get to see their attacker charged. The figure for burglaries is seven per cent. The police have become diverted from fighting real crime and spend too much time both virtue-signalling and persecuting people who have simply expressed themselves. If a Conservative government can't sort out their warped priorities, then sure as hell a Labour government won't do so. Be careful what websites you visit, then, because Big Brother is watching you — and one of these days he'll be banging on YOUR door. How 'caring' MORE news from the caring and kindly Left. Nurse Miranda Hughes appeared on the Channel 5's Britain On The Brink Debate. She told host Jeremy Vine Tory voters did not deserve to be resuscitated. That's 14million people she would deny life-saving treatment. This cretinous hag now says she has been sacked for her comments. Good. Could you trust her to put aside her idiotic worldview when treating a patient? Trust gone, Truss How many Tories at the party conference must have thought that Suella Braverman should be party leader? If Kemi Badenoch had got the nod, maybe the party would be ahead in the polls right now I WONDER how many Tories at their disastrous conference looked at Home Secretary Suella Braverman and thought: "Why didn't we choose HER for party leader?" They made the wrong decision, as is now patently clear. Prime Minister Liz Truss made a reasonable speech – but I fear the damage has been done. If you're forced to make a massive U-turn on your very first new policy, you're a dead duck. From now on, Truss has little authority. Any time a Conservative back-bencher dislikes a policy, they can rally support in the knowledge the lady IS for turning. The Tories have dug themselves into a very deep hole through their mismanaged leadership contest. I suspect if the now International Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch – or Suella Braverman – had got the nod, the party would be AHEAD in the polls right now. It's all going rental THE Government launched a war against private landlords. It made it harder for them to evict tenants, raise rents and decide who they should lease their homes to. I predicted at the time this would lead to landlords getting out of the letting business, and either selling their properties or moving into AirBnB. That is EXACTLY what has happened. So our housing crisis has been made considerably worse. All because the Tories wanted to capture a few brownie points from the Left by attacking people who own more than one home. Never forget, you Conservatives – it's OUTCOMES that matter.Not virtue-signalling. Great Liddle Central Heating War IT's now Week Two of The Great Liddle Central Heating War. She's taken to watching the TV huddled up in numerous blankets and a hot water bottle. With the dog on top as an extra layer of insulation. But I must not give in – if we can make it through to Halloween that'll be £1,000 saved. The battle must go on. Double life is a no-no Harry seems to be cottoning on to the fact you can't be a royal and a celeb at the same timeAFP OH dear. Gruesome twosome Harry and Meghan look like they are in trouble with Netflix. The pair are worried some of the stuff they've said in their documentary may annoy the Royal Family, and especially King Chaz. No kidding. They were happy to take the money and didn't care who they hurt in the process. Netflix is well within its rights to tell them to get stuffed. Harry needs to realise you can either be a royal or a celeb. You can't be both. He won't be able to get that message through to his ghastly missus. But at least if HE understands it, it's a start. A better conference BORED of political party conferences? I don't blame you But there's a much better one coming up on Saturday. I'll be in Manchester for the Social Democratic Party conference. Not least because the last speech of the day isn't from some dim-witted MP with all the charisma of a dead mackerel. It's from the greatest living Englishman, John Cleese. And the SDP shows there is an alternative to the three major parties. Not least because we have a leader, William Clouston, who can tell you, with accuracy, and no confusion, what a woman is. Please shut it, Becky CAN'T Rebekah Vardy keep her big trap shut for more than a few seconds? You'd think her footballer husband Jamie might have a quiet word: "Look, love, you've already cost me more than two million quid with your jabbering mentalism. "Can't you button it for a while?" She's now demanding fellow Wag Coleen Rooney donates some of those costs to charity. Why should she? Vardy is about the only woman on Earth who makes Coleen look like a paragon of dignity and intelligence. Kanye fashion statement a matter of debate Kanye West makes a simple point at Paris Fashion Week KANYE WEST has got himself into a bit of a controversy after wearing a shirt which read "White Lives Matter". I don't know if you remember, but a bloke who flew a banner reading "White Lives Matter Burnley" over a football game was in 2020 banned for life from watching his club. That's pretty shocking. Kanye West was making a simple point, eloquently. Read More on The Sun FIT FOR A KING Expected date Charles will be coronated - 70 years after Queen's coronation The truth is, that black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter and none more than anyone else's. That this should be a controversial statement tells you all you need to know about our society right now.

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