US Politics | I’m a shark expert – Watch my heart-stopping video showing how to STOP them attacking you

A SHARK expert has shared a heart-stopping video detailing how to stop the underwater beasts from launching a lethal attack. Professional shark diver and marine biologist Kayleigh Nicole Grant, 34, revealed her life-saving tips in a bid to educate swimmers. TikTok/@mermaid.kayleighKayleigh Nicole Grant and fellow diver Adriana demonstrated the life-saving tip '/ ' TikTok/@mermaid.kayleighThey told swimmers not to be intimidated by the shark and to act like a predator '/ ' She is on a mission to change people's perceptions of the predators after getting up close and personal with them for the last decade. The diver is keen to use her wisdom and years of experience to help people protect themselves in case they encounter a shark. In a viral TikTok video that boasts over 2.6million views, Kayleigh explained that you need to behave like one of the creatures to beat it. The 34-year-old, who has been based in Hawaii for the last ten years, says the magnificent animals are incredibly shy and wary of human contact. READ MORE SHARK STORIES JAWESOME Largest EVER shark measuring 9ft long & weighing 500lbs caught off Irish coast The footage shows her colleague Adriana thrashing around in the water while a shark sinisterly approaches from behind. Kayleigh narrated: ...Andy is demonstrating why we do not want to splash and swim away from sharks. ...Splashing and swimming away imitates what prey does. ...When we're dealing with top predators like sharks, we also want to act like a predator.... 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The dauntless diver can then be seen tenderly touching the shark and changing the course of its direction. Social media users were wowed by the extraordinary trick that could help stop a bloody attack. @mermaid.kayleigh Follow @andriana_marine to learn even more about sharks! 🦈💙 Just like bears & other #predators we are taught to maintaineyecontact, yell, get large, back away slowly… it's the same with sharks! They are not the man eating monsters the media portrays & typically want nothing to do with humans. So much so that just pushing on their head is enough to deter. #tigershark #sharkdiver #sharkdiving #sharkdive #ocean #hawaii ♬ Black Out Days Sped Up \- Ryugan One commented: ...The shark's face expression looks like it didn't even know you could do that.... Another wrote: ...Looks like you snapped it out of the trance of attack mode. Excellent!!!... And a third added: ...That is absolutely amazing well flipping done!... Kayleigh previously revealed her love for sharks to the Sun Online, hoping to encourage more people to dive to the depths to observe them in their natural habitat. She said: ...There is nothing quite like sharing space and coexisting with an apex predator that could cause you harm but chooses not to.  ...They aren't puppy dogs. We always aim to show their beauty but not treat them as puppies at the same time. They aren't puppy dogs. We always aim to show their beauty but not treat them as puppies at the same time. Kayleigh Nicole Grant ...But I am also constantly humbled by them and don't put myself near risky behavior. It's definitely thrilling and captivating to be in their presence! ...Even with all my years of shark diving, I have never been in a situation that felt like an ...attack' or close call. ...Eye contact is very important with sharks as well as your body language and behavior in the water.... Kayleigh is also working to save sharks from the deadly shark fin trade \- with around 100 million sharks killed every year. Shark fin soup is a common dish in China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia and is often eaten as a status symbol. Read More on The Sun DOG'S LIFE I'm a vet - the reason why dogs bury treats in the garden will break your heart She warned: ...Sadly, sharks are being killed at an alarming rate for their fins & meat. For every 100 million sharks killed per year, about six to eight humans are killed by sharks every year. ...We have a responsibility not to put the sharks and their reputation at risk.... The experienced divers expertly demonstrate how to steer the shark awayTikTok/@mermaid.kayleigh TikTok/@mermaid.kayleighThe underwater beast calmly changes the course of its direction after being diverted '/ '

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