US Politics | Haunting last text of American sniper Chris Kyle who ‘killed 160’ before being shot by pal in murder that stunned world

HE was known as the ...deadliest sniper in US military history' and inspired the blockbuster film American Sniper \- but when Chris Kyle was killed, it wasn't on the battlefield. Instead, the 38-year-old father of two \- who was credited with more than 160 battle' kills \- was shot and murdered on home ground alongside best pal Chad Littlefield, by troubled veteran Eddie Ray Routh. NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal viaChris Kyle had a reputation as the ...deadliest sniper in US military history' '/ ' Chillingly, Chris's final text to Chad had moments earlier read: ...This dude is straight-up nuts....  While his tragic and untimely death in 2013 left his family and legions of fans heartbroken, he left behind a lasting legacy. After writing a book detailing his illustrious career, his story also went on to inspire 2014 Oscar-winning blockbuster movie American Sniper starring Bradley Cooper and directed by Clint Eastwood. From ...almost failing sniper school', being shot twice in Iraq to surviving multiple helicopter crashes, here, we take a closer look at the real-life story that inspired the popular film. Shooting before cycling Growing up in Texas, Kyle originally had dreams of becoming a cowboy and had always been around guns on hunting trips, reportedly learning to shoot before even learning how to ride a bike. READ MORE NEWS FEATURES COLD CASE CLUE Bombshell twist in mystery of schoolgirl who vanished after music lesson He became a professional bronco rider but after a rodeo injury put paid to that dream, Kyle joined the elite Navy SEALs when he was 24. Ironically it was reported he hated water, however, telling Time Magazine: ...If I see a puddle, I will walk around it.... In 2001 Chris met wife Taya and they married a year later, and went on to have two children. GettyChris met wife Taya in 2001 and they wed a year later before going on to have a son and a daughter together '/ ' Nicknamed ...the devil' by enemies During Kyle's military career \- which spanned from 1999 to 2009 \- he embarked on four tours of Iraq, and officially racked up 160' kills \- although the figure may have been much higher. 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Chris was known for his skills as a sniperRex ...I'm not the greatest shot there is' Despite his reputation, Kyle actually didn't think of himself as the' sniper. Speaking to Time about the qualities that make a good sniper, Kyle said: ...It's definitely not patience, because I'm not a patient person, but it's professional discipline. ...I'm not the greatest shot there is. ...In fact, I almost failed out of sniper school... I just happened to be the one that was put in there, got lucky enough to see plenty of combat, and been able to take the shots.... Volunteering to help veterans After he was honourably discharged in 2009, Chris moved to Midlothian, Texas, with his wife and family, and became involved in efforts to help veterans.  He also became a household name after the release of his autobiography, which after his death was later adapted into a movie by Clint Eastwood. The military memoir came out in January 2012, and was a runaway success selling 1.2million copies. However, it wasn't without controversy. A US Navy investigation found the former SEAL had overstated how many medals he had received. Doubts were also cast over claims he shot dozens of looters from the New Orleans Superdome after Hurricane Katrina, with critics citing a lack of evidence. After claiming he punched a man who insulted Navy SEALS, later identified as the former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura, he was sued for defamation. Ventura was awarded $1.8million. GettyChris' best selling book also inspired blockbuster film American Sniper '/ ' ...Nobody would talk to me' Tragedy then struck on February 2, 2013. Chris, alongside best friend Chad Littlefield, 35, was shot dead at the Rough Creek Lodge shooting range by former army comrade Eddie Ray Routh. Tragically, it was Routh's well-meaning mother Jodi who had asked Chris to help her son. Routh suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder from serving in Iraq and Haiti after the devastating 2010 earthquake. According to the New Yorker, Chris promised Jodi he was ...going to do everything I can to help your son..., with Jodi saying: ...I was so happy that somebody was listening and that somebody was willing to help.... Chris Kyle, left, and his pal Chad Littlefield, right, were tragically shot dead while trying to help their assailant RouthRex ...This dude is straight-up nuts' The pair took Routh to the shooting range for a therapeutic session, but Routh shot the pair with two pistols that belonged to Kyle, because ...nobody would talk to me.... After the killings, Routh said: ...I was just riding in the back seat of the truck, and nobody would talk to me. ...They were just taking me to the range, so I shot them. I feel bad about it, but they wouldn't talk to me. I'm sure they've forgiven me.... On the way to the range, Kyle texted Littlefield saying: ...This dude is straight-up nuts....  An employee discovered the bodies of Kyle and Littlefield, and each had been shot several times. Routh then fled the range in Kyle's truck to his sister's house, where he told her he had killed two people and was later arrested. Routh suffered from post traumatic stress disorderRex ...He was psychotic' In February 2015 Routh was convicted of murder, and sentenced to life in prison without parole. He was also diagnosed with schizophrenia, as well as PTSD after his career in the Marine Corps. He had served in Baghdad in 2007 and again in Haiti on a humanitarian mission where he'd had to clean up bodies from beaches..., and had been constantly in and out of mental institutions over a two-year period. He had been released from the psychiatric ward at the Veterans Affairs hospital in Dallas about a week before the shooting. ...He was psychotic,... his mother Jodi Routh testified in court. Eddie Ray Routh was convicted of murder and sentenced to life without paroleRex ...A warrior on and off the battle field' In death, Chris still had a lasting impact. Thousands of mourners attended his memorial service at the Cowboys Stadium in Dallas, as his wife and young children walked behind his flag-draped coffin. Taya paid tribute, thanking Chris for loving her, and saying: ...You taught me I was okay just the way I am.  ...I stand before you a broken woman but I am now and always will be a wife of a man who was a warrior both on and off the battlefield.... In a touching tribute on the third anniversary of her husband's death, Taya wrote: ...To Chris, thank you for loving me and letting me love you. ...As my wedding ring is inscribed, you are 'My love, My life.' Chris' wife Taya and their son and daughter paid an emotional tribute to the Navy sniper, who was shot and killed in February 2013Rex ...I would run this race, loving you every step of the way, all over again. ...The best thing I ever did was give my heart to you.... Chris's story inspired a movie starring Bradley CooperRex

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