US Politics | When will the China rocket crash into Earth?
CHINA has been working on expanding its Tiangong space station with a series of rocket launches. Their latest flight took off on October 31, 2022, and is expected to cause debris to crash down into Earth.
AFPChina launched a Long March 5B rocket into space on October 31, 2022 '/ ' Over the past two years, China has sent several rockets up to space that have caused debris. Their most recent launch was of a Long March 5B rocket, which reportedly does not have the technology needed to make a controlled reentry, according to CNET. As a result, larger components and other debris are expected to crash late Friday, November 4, 2022, or Saturday, November 5, 2022, according to the Aerospace Corporation. Read More from Space
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FALL FROM SPACE Chinese rocket falls out of orbit causing sonic boom and meteor shower ...The uncertainty of where the large debris will ultimately land presents a level of risk to human safety and property damage that is well above commonly accepted thresholds,... the organization wrote in a statement. While the situation might seem scary to some, Aerospace Corporation experts at the Center for Orbital and Reentry Debris Studies (CORDS) are actively tracking the rocket and will continue to update people as data becomes available. Where will the debris land? Because the rocket has no controlled reentry technology, it is almost impossible to predict where the debris will land. Most read in Science STRANGER THINGS Mysterious space object may finally have explanation, scientists say IMPENDING DOOM Planet x conspiracy theories explained ALIEN EXISTENCE What to know about alien conspiracy theories BED PESTS PLAGUE Blood-sucking bedbugs set for population explosion in homes BOLT FROM THE BLUE Why some people get shocks off everything they touch APOCALYPSE WOW Impact of dinosaur-killing asteroid was WORSE than thought, scientists say It could stretch dozens or even hundreds of miles long around the world, according to CNET. ...For those who've been tracking the previous versions of this: Here we go again,... Ted Muelhaupt, a consultant with The Aerospace Corporation's Corporate Chief Engineer's Office, said during a briefing, via At the time of this writing, Aerospace Corporation's potential flight path covers the United States, China, India, Southern Europe, South America, Africa, and Australia. While this might sound scary, Muelhaupt quickly pointed out that ...nobody has to alter their lives because of this,... however, he added that, ...88% of the world's population is at risk, and so 7 billion people are at risk.... More information is expected to be released as data becomes available.
AFPDebris from China's Long March 5B rocket is expected to crash into Earth '/ ' ...I mean, really what Aerospace's point here is just to report on what's going on — make sure that people you know are informed; they understand they have a realistic view of what the situation is,... Marlon Sorge, Executive Director for CORDS added. ...There's not really much to argue with there.... Has this situation happened before? While debris crashing into Earth might sound like a big deal, it has actually happened several times before. Read More on The US Sun
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DESPERATE CRIES Horror 911 call captures wife's screams before husband 'buried her alive' notes that there was an incident in July 2022 that saw between 5.5 tons to 9.9 tons of debris from a Long March 5B crash into the Indian Ocean. Another Long March 5B also crashed into the Indian Ocean in April 2021 and sources say that China's first launch in 2020 saw pieces of the vehicle's core stage crash along the Ivory Coast.

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