US Politics | University of Utah hospital swarmed by bomb squad after K9 alerted to ‘potential explosives in bag’
THE University of Utah Hospital was on high alert on Tuesday after a bomb scare at the medical facility. Police and the Salt Lake Bomb Squad rushed to campus after a report of an unattended bag in one of the bathrooms inside the hospital.
Twitter/@slcpdThe Univerisity of Utah Hospital is working with local law enforcement after a possible bomb threat '/ '
Twitter/@slcpdThe SLCPD said there is no threat to the public at this time '/ ' Cops said that a bomb-sniffing dog ...alerted to potential explosives on the bag,... leading to a bomb squad call out. The incident began at around 4pm on Tuesday. It was referred to as a "critical incident" by the Utah Alerts Twitter account. "We are continuing to secure the impacted area and we are prioritizing the safety of our team members and patients," the hospital said in a tweet. Most read in The US Sun DANGEROUS OVERSIGHT Delphi murder cops 'forgot suspect's huge admission five years ago' BIG MISTAKE Family Feud's Steve falls & completely 'shuts down' after player's NSFW answer RHO-NO Teresa Giudice mocked as she posts unedited and filtered version of the same pic THE NEW JANELLE Sister Wives' Janelle 'drops 100lbs' & shows off body after dumping Kody IS AL OKAY? Today star Al Roker's wife explains host's continued absence from morning show DEADLY PLAN UVA 'shooter waited until return to campus before fatal attack killing three' Roads in the area were shut down and campus shuttles and public transit were rerouted. The Salt Lake City Police Department said that was no threat to the public and no major impact on university operations. FOX 13 later reported that the unattended bag was deemed safe. ...It is a good reminder for anybody out there that it is never wise to leave a bag unattended,... Salt Lake City Police spokesperson Brent Weisberg said. ...If you do need to abandon it, dispose of it in a proper form....

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