US Politics | ‘Emotional support bear’ on sale for singles in need of a snuggle – and 5ft 7in ‘boyfriend replacement’ doesn’t snore
A 5FT 7in ...emotional support bear... is on sale for singles in need of a snuggle \- and the human-sized boyfriend replacement doesn't snore. The giant £135 cuddly toy is the size of a male human body \- but with the head of a half-asleep bear.
SWNSThe 'emotional support bear' is on sale for singles who need a snuggle '/ '
SWNSThe giant £135 cuddly toy is the size of a male human body '/ '
SWNSThe Loving Bear Puffy can be easily positioned thanks to a weight of just 3.2kg '/ ' The Loving Bear Puffy ...replaces the need for physical presence... and can be easily positioned thanks to a weight of just 3.2kg. He gives ...warmth, hugs and peace... and customers can cuddle him before falling asleep, curl up on the couch with him, or even sleep soundly in his fluffy arms. Puffy can also be dressed up in a comfy tracksuit for a snuggle \- or just dressed down in his natural state. The bear is the brainchild of a Bulgarian company founded by model Ina Marholeva and creative manager Tonia Berdankova. The company describe it as ...a very personal product invented by an ordinary woman who is afraid of being alone.... And the bear promises to give customers ...a healthy hug... \- proven to release endorphins. The firm said: ...We women are often left alone for various reasons. ...Sometimes it's a personal choice, bad luck or fate, but we all need someone's presence or a hug, especially at night before falling asleep or on the couch in front of the TV. Most read in US News RED-HANDED Gory pics show bloody sweats of OnlyFans 'killer' after 'stabbing boyfriend' TRAGIC END Mystery as family say Shanquella Robinson died of broken neck on Mexico vacation RAPPER BUSTED Shock vid shows rapper tackled by cops in 'surprise arrest' in front of crowd SHOPPERS' HORROR Suspect shot at Target after 'slashing boy, 7, & stabbing woman in chest' DANGEROUS OVERSIGHT Delphi murder cops 'forgot suspect's huge admission five years ago' 'HE TOOK HER' Casey Anthony breaks silence on daughter's death to blame dad in shock twist ...That's why Puffy is made with a human shape and size to replace as much as possible the lack of physical presence when we need to hug or lean.... And the company said there are benefits to using him as a boyfriend instead of dating as he ...doesn't snore, he doesn't grumble or get angry.... They said: ...He is the perfect gift both for you and for any loved one who is going through lonely moments, emotional trials, and feelings of emptiness. ...Puffy is always by your side, even during the moments when your loved ones are far from you \- on a business trip or on the road.... But all the family can enjoy the cuddly bear's company \- not just single women looking for a bit of companionship. ...Kids love cuddling him, even pets seek him out to snuggle up to him while you're at work and no one's home,... the company said. People who have tried out Puffy said he ...seems like a real person... \- and now can't imagine life without him. Customer Liya said: ...The first few days I felt a bit strange until I got used to his presence because he seems like a real person, but now I can't imagine walking in and him not being home.... Buyer Karry said: ...Since Puffy has been with me, I fall asleep much easier and faster. ...I love its softness and the sense of security it gives me.... The company said: ...He is the perfect gift both for you and for any loved one who is going through lonely moments, emotional trials, and feelings of emptiness....
SWNSYou can curl up on the couch with Puffy for a relaxing evening '/ '
SWNSCustomers can even fall asleep with the snuggly bear '/ '

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