US Politics | Jeffrey Dahmer victim who escaped the serial killer ‘never recovered’ and pain ‘led to life of crime and drug abuse’

A MAN who escaped the clutches of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer ...never recovered... from his trauma, his former defense attorney said. Tracy Edwards managed to rewrite his fate after being lured back to the infamous Milwaukee murder house in July 1991. Police HandoutTracy Edwards' life spiralled out of control after his run-in with Jeffrey Dahmer '/ ' AFPThe serial killer was finally apprehended after Edwards managed to escape his Milwaukee home and alert police '/ ' But despite being responsible for stopping Dahmer's killing spree, the pain led Edwards down a perilous path of crime and drug abuse. His former defense attorney Paul Ksicinski has revealed how his life spiraled after he failed put the pieces back together in his life... after his harrowing experience with Dahmer. Edwards was heralded as a hero after he bravely fled Dahmer's home and later testified in court about his horrific crimes. The serial killer had persuaded him to return to the property on July 22, 1991, to watch The Exorcist and have a drink.  READ MORE ON JEFFREY DAHMER IN THE FRAME Jeffrey Dahmer's obsession made him wear aviators & yellow contact lenses DEVIL'S DEATH How killer Chris Scarver beat Jeffrey Dahmer to death with a metal bar But the encounter soon turned sinister, seeing Dahmer handcuff Edwards and threaten him with a knife. The cannibal is also said to have told his intended victim that he wanted to eat his heart, before Edwards managed to escape. Despite surviving his tryst with Dahmer, Ksicinski says the ordeal transformed him into ...Humpty Dumpty... \- unable to piece his life back together. He told Fox News: ... He could never get his life together again after that. He abused drugs and drank alcohol excessively. ...He had no home. He just drifted from place to place. It destroyed his life. I don't know how or what he could have done to put things back together again.... Thanks to Edwards' testimony, Dahmer was convicted of the murders of 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991.  ...THE DEVIL' But putting the monster behind bars did little to ease Edwards' trauma, seeing him ...self-medicate... with alcohol and drugs to block out his gruesome memories. Ksicinski continued: ...He called Dahmer the devil. ...I eventually came to determine he never sought any kind of psychological or psychiatric treatment for what happened to him. ...He didn't go into treatment because that would cause him to have to remember what happened. But he spoke of what happened to him.... The defense lawyer told how Edwards ...described smelling death... inside Dahmer's apartment and couldn't shake the memory of the killer's threats. Ksicinski added: ...It's one thing to hear about these details during the trial, but the way that Tracy described it, I was just amazed. ...At first, I went, 'Come on, you're exaggerating to make yourself look good.' But you could see how much he was affected by it.... The stress from his ordeal led to Edwards having several serious run-ins with the law in the following years. It destroyed his life. I don't know how or what he could have done to put things back together again. Paul Ksicinski Ksicinski said: ...Post-traumatic stress disorder is real. It's not something that's manufactured. People suffer incredibly traumatic events, and it's different for every person in terms of how they handle it. ...You don't know what that person has gone through or how they're coping. And it might help to know that before passing judgment.... He was first indicted for sexual battery involving a 14-year-old girl in his native Tupelo, Mississippi, where he was extradited to. Charges for drug possession, theft, property damage, failure to pay child support, and jumping bail came next. According to reports, Edwards had been homeless since at least 2002. Nine years later in July 2011, the survivor was arrested after being accused of hurling a man, Jonny Jordan, to his death off a Wisconsin bridge. He was represented by Ksicinski, who maintained he believed his client ...did not throw anyone over... and that Edwards and Jordan were ...friends. The attorney explained: ...They were all homeless, and they were, unfortunately, abusing alcohol. ...He was trying to pull him back off the bridge. The people who had seen it didn't really have, in our viewpoint, the best ability to see what had happened. Read More on The US Sun WICKED HUMOR Jeffrey Dahmer used sarcasm to evade capture at least 6 times, author reveals SAM'S STRUGGLES GMA's Sam Champion shares update in new video following 'brutal injury' Edwards served just a year and a half in prison after pleading guilty to aiding a felon in a plea agreement with prosecutors, per Fox News. He was last seen by his former defense attorney in 2015, but Edwards' current whereabouts are unknown. Court TVEdwards infamously testified about his horror experience during Dahmer's trial '/ ' Ksicinski said the survivor described Dahmer's apartment as ...smelling like death'Milwaukee Police Department

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