US Politics | I love to watch right-on left-wing people fall out with one another – it’s like being tickled

THERE'S nothing I like more than watching right-on left-wing people fall out with one another. It's like being tickled. It makes me all giggly and happy. PAI enjoy watching left-wing campaigners fall out with each other '/ ' The protest groups springing up are like Python's Judean's People FrontRex In the beginning we had Extinction Rebellion, which encouraged ­members to sit on top of Tube trains and stand on the runway at Stansted to stop planes taking off. Soon, though, other lefties from the school of anarcho-syndicalism said that stopping public transport was marginalising ethnic minorities and not recognising that the climate crisis is the result of neoliberal capitalism. So then along came an offshoot, called Christian Climate Action, which wrote a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury and then, so far as I can tell, disappeared. A similar fate seems to have befallen the XR youth wing, which was set up for the nation's ten-year-olds. READ MORE JEREMY CLARKSON JEREMY CLARKSON Tories and Labour are busted flush. We'd be better off with The Tufty Club MEG-ING A SCENE I doubt Meghan's tears were real. Why cry over the boss of a firm you hate? Maybe they've all been sent to bed. All of this made way for the fearsome End Private Jets campaign. Its member decided that to get the message across she'd empty a bucket of her sloppy vegetarian faeces over a statue erected in honour of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Sadly, she then realised that most people in the world didn't actually have a private jet and that banning them would be like banning Faberge Eggs. It wouldn't make much difference. Most read in The US Sun FREAK ACCIDENTS Horror theme park deaths of two electrocuted and one thrown 60ft from ride HOME ASSAULT Pelosi's husband hurt in 'hammer attack by assailant who asked where's Nancy' KOURT IT OUT Kourtney fans 'mortified' for her kids as they spot 'gross' detail in new pic SHOPPERS' HORROR 'Two people stabbed to death' at Kohl's as cops urge public to avoid store TEARS ON TV Today's Jenna Bush Hager bursts into tears live on air during emotional segment GIRL POWER Today's Craig replaced by Sheinelle as all-female team takes over desk So she went back to Derby and got a job in a petrol station, probably. In her place, we got Python's Judean's People Front, the Popular Front Of Judea and now, Just Stop Oil. They've thrown paint at showrooms selling Aston Martins and Ferraris, and they would have targeted the luxury grocer's shop called Fortnum and Mason. But when they arrived, it was full of other protesters from a splinter group called Just Stop Milk. Outside, a man from Just Stop Farming was struggling to get to his protest because a group from Just Stop The Traffic had glued themselves to the road. And there were two guys with ­significant face furniture dangling from a bridge over the Thames. Not sure what they wanted to stop. Ambulances, probably. The people I feel sorry for in all of this are Swampy and the other halfwits who burrowed into Buckinghamshire to Just Stop HS2. They've been living down there for two years now, eating worms and drinking their own urine and they have no idea that their comrades have moved on to bigger and brighter things. And no one's paying them the slightest bit of attention. Or Greenpeace, who actually needed oil to fuel the Rainbow Warrior, the ship they used to stop people harpooning whales. Or Leonardo DiCaprio, the eco-warrior who needs a private jet to get to all of the climate summits. But can't because someone's thrown soup all over it. Boris beats Sunak ALL week, we have been told that Rishi Sunak is the first person with an Asian heritage to become Prime Minister. But this isn't entirely accurate. Boris Johnson's great-grandfather Ali Kemal was born in a Turkish village that's about 300 miles east of the Bosporus. Which means he was actually the first. AlamyBoris Johnson's great-grandfather Ali Kemal hailed from Turkey '/ ' Meanwhile, we are also told that Rishi cannot possibly know what it's like for a poor person facing ginormous heating bills because he's so rich. I don't see this is much of an argument. I've never been to the South Pole but I know it's bloody cold. Rishi can't save Tories \- he's boxed in by Remainers and Brexiteers WE know that everything is finite. But there are some things that we can never imagine disappearing from our lives. The London A To Z, for ­example. Who could ever have guessed, even as recently as the Nineties, that it would no longer be a thing? Or the Yellow Pages. Rishi Sunak is going to struggle to bring the fractured Tory party together Or the overhead projector. Or the fax machine. Or waiting at the chemist to collect your holiday ­pictures. Will we ever be able to go tobogganing again? If the global warmingists are correct, it's entirely possible we won't. Can you imagine that? Never again seeing snow? Other things now facing extinction are the Ford Fiesta, having a phone on your hall table and maybe, just maybe, the Conservative Party. I know that Rishi Sunak has burst on to the scene like an actual size Action Man figure and everyone is saying he'll restore the party's fortunes after Boris and the incredibly weird Ms Truss managed to make Sir Starmer look electable. But I doubt it. The party is split in two. You've got the Remainers on one side and the Brexiteers on the other, and Rishi's nothing more than a Band Aid. He'll fall off sooner rather than later and then we will have them all brawling in the street. The Tories will become like the Ronco Buttoneer. Nothing more than a momentarily interesting footnote in history. 2019 is a world away CONSERVATIVE ministers keep telling us they will stick to the manifesto that got them elected in 2019. Oh for crying out loud, what's the point? Since it was written the world has changed. We've had Brexit, Covid and a war. So sticking to what you wanted to do before all that happened, just because it's written down in a manifesto, is as mad as not coveting your neighbour's ox because that's what it says in the Bible. Plane stupid NOW that Sir Attenborough has finished his weekly lectures on climate change, the BBC global warming baton has been passed to Chris Packham and Michaela Strachan, who've spent the week in a wood, hosting Autumnwatch. On Thursday, Chris delivered a lecture about moths and how they are affected by warmer weather. Michaela Strachan has been lecturing on global warming on Autumnwatch '/ ' And all I could think is how much cooler the planet would be if the producers didn't have to fly Michaela to the wood from her home . . . in South Africa. Out in cold YOU'VE got to feel sorry for the Germans. Well, you can try, at least. They've got the whole of the civilised world telling them that using Russian gas is irresponsible and short-sighted. So to make sure the fritzes and the frauleins don't all freeze to death this winter, the government announced this week that it's pulling down a brand new wind farm and turning the site into a gigantic coal mine. And it's not just any old coal. It's brown coal. The worst kind. So now they've got the whole of the civilised world telling them they are being irresponsible and short-sighted. Racial riddle of refs IN the last few years, football has become a shining beacon of diversity and tolerance. Players have routinely taken the knee before kick-off and the logos used by broadcasters urge viewers to kick out racism. AlamyUriah Rennie was the Premier League's last black referee, back in 2008 '/ ' So, why do you never, ever see a black referee, or black guys running up and down the touchlines getting offside decisions wrong? The last black man to ref a Premier League match was Uriah Rennie – and he retired in 2008. And there's the same issue in other leagues as well, with figures showing that of the 254 officials who are registered to oversee matches, 247 of them are white. Read More on The Sun I-RARE Apple releases special iPhone that only certain people are allowed to own I've done some checking on what qualifications you need to be a ref, because I half expected question one on the application form to be: "How long have you been a member of the National Front?" But there's nothing I can see which stops black people donning the black shorts. It's weird.

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