US Politics | Nato urged to launch ‘DEVASTATING’ response to Russian nuke strike as US stages massive war games ahead of Putin speech

NATO has been urged to a launch a ...devastating... response to any Russian nuke strike in Ukraine as the US stages massive war games with its allies. Poland's foreign minister said the alliance is sending a clear message to Russia ahead of Vladimir Putin's major speech on the annexing of four regions in Ukraine in an escalation of his seven-month war. The US, Japan and South Korea stage are staging war games in the Sea of JapanGetty The US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan during the military exercisesGetty South Korean and US Naval vessels take part in a joint navy exerciseGetty Zbigniew Rau told the NBC News program Meet the Press NOW: ...To the best of our knowledge, Putin is threatening to use tactical nuclear weapons on Ukrainian soil, not to attack NATO, which means that NATO should respond in a conventional way. ...But the response should be devastating. And I suppose this is the clear message that the NATO alliance is sending to Russia right now.... US Senator Lindsey Graham also warned any use of nuclear weapons by Russia in Ukraine would be an attack… on NATO itself.... Graham said the US and its allies would have to come up with an ...overwhelming... response that would be ...catastrophic... to Russia in the event of a nuclear strike. Read more on the Ukraine war SICK STRIKE 23 dead in Russian strike on convoy rescuing families hours before Putin speech DARK DAY Putin tells annexed Ukrainians they're 'Russian citizens forever' in formal speech ...From my point of view, the use of a nuclear weapon by Russia in Ukraine would be an attack on NATO itself,... he said. ...The radiation would not be confined to Ukraine, you would be irradiating parts of Europe that are under the NATO banner. ...So, if that day ever comes — and I hope and pray it doesn't — that should be considered by NATO writ large and the United States as an attack by Russia on NATO itself.... Oksana Markarova, Ukraine's ambassador to the United States, said ...everyone feels the danger from Russia is high.... Most read in US News VLAD'S Z DAY Putin vows to use 'any means' to defend stolen Ukraine regions in nuke threat SICK CLAIMS Dad 'forced son to sleep on pads & dig through trash before boy froze to death' I KILLED THREE Elon Musk's dad reveals how he shot dead intruders as daughter clung to him PIECE OF CAKE Walmart's self-checkout caught me stealing on camera - my warning to shoppers DARK TOURISM Fears 'acolytes' will swarm Jeffrey Dahmer town if victim memorial is erected GUN MASSACRE Five people including mom & two kids found shot dead as suspect arrested It comes as the US, Japan and South Korea stage massive war games in the Sea of Japan. Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force said the exercises will include anti-submarine drills involving a nuclear powered aircraft carrier. The war games involve the American aircraft carrier USS Ronald Regan, the South Korean destroyer Menmu the Great, and a Japanese Asahi-class destroyer, RT reports. Since the war began to turn against Putin, fears have been raised he could order the use of tactical nuclear weapons. He has ordered Russia's first mobilisation since World War Two, telling the West that if it continued what he called its ...nuclear blackmail..., Moscow would respond with the might of all its vast arsenal. And Mad Vlad is now set to declare four regions of Ukraine part of Russia after a sham gunpoint referendum vote. The Russian leader is expected to claim victory in the Ukrainian regions of Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia. The four regions cover some 90,000sq km, or about 15 per cent of Ukraine's total area \- roughly the size of Hungary or Portugal. Moscow's Red Square is being prepared for a major speech from Putin, with billboards declaring: ...Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson \- Russia!... Putin is due to meet leaders of the Russian-backed Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic as well as Russian-installed leaders of the parts of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia that his forces occupy. On Wednesday, pro-Kremlin officials said all four regions \- which represent around 15 per cent of Ukraine's overall territory \- had voted to join Russia. Footage emerged of voters being led to the ballot boxes at gunpoint by pro-Russian paramilitary groups, while election officials were seen appearing to count stacks of unmarked ballot papers as ...Yes' votes. Other video shows Russian-installed thugs taking ballot boxes door-to-door surrounded by armed men. Putin's cronies claimed 99 per cent of ballots cast in Donetsk were in favour of joining Russia, 98 per cent in Luhansk, 93 per cent in Zaporizhzhia and 87 per cent in Kherson. The referendums have been declared illegal by the majority of the international community \- and Ukraine has vowed to take back its territory. Mikhailo Podolyak, Zelensky's adviser, told La Repubblica: ...Referendums have no legal value, under international law the regions are and remain territories of Ukraine and Ukraine is ready to do anything to take them back. Read More on The Sun bear hug I did a Primark haul & got an absolute must-buy - it's perfect for chilly days BOMBSHELL BOD Love Island star shows off incredible body transformation after villa ...They were sham votes, in which few people participated. ...To those who went to vote they pointed their rifles in their faces....

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