US Politics | Millionaire’s wife LOSES bitter court spat with daughter over £900k trust fund – as judge says she’s ‘rich enough’

A MILLIONAIRE'S wife has lost a bitter court spat with her daughter over a £900k trust fund after the judge said she was enough'. Elizabeth Ramus, 77, was married to Chris Ramus, 72, who made his millions selling lobsters after setting up his business in the 1970's. Champion NewsElizabeth Ramus was left a trust fund in her ex husband's will '/ ' Champion NewsChris Ramus killed himself in 2020 after struggling to deal with family issues '/ ' In 2020, the self-made millionaire killed himself after struggling to cope with a number of family issues. Despite Elizabeth having a £1.6m fortune of her own and having divorced Chris in 2019 after 48 years, the trust fund was set up to provide a lifetime income for her. But, the fund had been left in control of the ex-couple's daughter Claire Holt, 46, and two of her friends, at Chris's wishes. Chris gave his daughter the power to stop payments to her mother at any time but Elizabeth argued the will did not make ...reasonable financial provision... for her and went to court. Elizabeth told the High Court in Leeds she had a ...strained relationship... with Claire \- someone who had criticised her spending \- and didn't want to be her mercy... financially. According to Elizabeth, Claire had stated her mum did not need any additional money to maintain her lifestyle. But, Elizabeth claimed the £1.6m she already had, was not enough and she did not want her financial security the hands of her daughter.... The divorced pensioner from Harrogate, said even though they were in the process of getting divorced, Chris still had a ...responsibility... to provide for her before he passed. 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He said she had been treated fairly in the will and would not struggle after just giving her son £50,000. ...That is not consistent with a claim based on financial anxiety,... he added. ...In this case the value of Mrs Ramus' assets significantly exceeds that of the estate of her late husband and she has sufficient to meet her needs. ...This is not a case where the applicant has no assets or no autonomy over any assets or where the trustees could remove the roof from over her head. ...She has assets in the region of £1.63m and even the purchase of a three-bedroom house in a desirable area of Harrogate for £750,000 would leave her with funds of £880,000, of which £488,000 is ring fenced as a retirement fund. ...Standing back and looking at the matter in the round, this is a case of an applicant who in all likelihood would not have received anything on divorce and who, even after the purchase of a three-bedroomed house for £750,000, would have financial autonomy and still have net assets not far short of £900,000. ...I am satisfied that the disposition of Mr Ramus's estate under the terms of his will is such as to make financial provision for Mrs Ramus in the circumstances of the case and that the claim fails.... 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If you, or anyone you know, needs help dealing with mental health problems, the following organisations provide support: CALM,, 0800 585 858 Heads Together, Mind,, 0300 123 3393 Papyrus,, 0800 068 41 41 Samaritans,, 116 123 Movember, Anxiety UK, 03444 775 774 Monday-Friday 9.30am-10pm, Saturday/Sunday 10am-8pm Champion NewsClaire Holt fought her mother in court for responsibility of a £900k trust fund '/ '

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