US Politics | Tragic Olivia Pratt-Korbel’s family beg public ‘It’s not about being a snitch, it’s about finding out who took our baby’

TRAGIC Olivia Pratt-Korbel's family have begged people to the right thing... and help find the killer ...who took our baby away from us.... The schoolgirl's heartbroken loved ones said they ...lost a huge part of our life..., pleading: ...If anyone knows anything, now is the time to speak up.... Tim StewartOlivia Pratt-Korbel was murdered at her home '/ ' They said in a statement: "We as a family are heartbroken and have lost a huge part of our life. "If anyone knows anything, now is the time to speak up. It is not about being a 'snitch' or a 'grass', it is about finding out who took our baby away from us. "Please do the right thing." The family described Olivia, or Liv, as a "unique, chatty, nosey little girl who broke the mould when she was born". They said: "She loved life and all it had to offer. "Liv loved dressing up and was very particular on how she was dressed, like any other little girl she loved doing her make-up and nails, she was nine going on 19. "Liv was adored by everyone who knew her and would instantly make friends with anyone and everyone. "She was often seen going up and down the street on her new bike she had just got for her birthday. Most read in The US Sun BAD SIGNS Two major 'red flags' about Kim's behavior led to Pete dumping her NICK OF TIME Kardashian fans think Kim will date ex who now has EIGHT kids WORRIES FOR WENDY Wendy Williams looks disheveled as she appears to buy cigarettes & liquor NUKE ALERT Europe's biggest nuke plant 'DISCONNECTED from grid' as Russia masses troops STORMING MAD Kylie slammed by fans for Stormi's 'inappropriate' dress as pair hit party ROBBED OF ROBIN GMA's Robin Roberts shocks fans by revealing she's taking a break from show "Although her life was short, her personality certainly wasn't and she lived it to the most she could, and would blow people away with her wit and kindness." It comes after police investigating Olivia Pratt-Korbel's murder today warned her killer ...we will find you... amid fears he may have fled abroad. Olivia, nine, was caught in the crossfire of an alleged ...tit-for-tat... gang war at her home in Liverpool. Police said officers were working ...around the clock... to catch the gunman as the manhunt entered its third day. In an update on three fatal shootings in Liverpool in less than a week, DCI Mark Kameen said there had been ...number of positive lines of enquiry... the force were pursuing. Addressing the suspect directly, he added: ...We will not rest until we find you and we will find you.... He said it was unclear if the gunman had fled overseas and added: ...We have had a number of names provided to us.... Merseyside Police also confirmed they had identified the second intended target of the fatal shooting. He had been walking near Olivia's home with Joseph Nee, 35, when the gunman opened fire. Nee then burst into the terraced home followed by the shooter, who sprayed bullets with ...complete disregard.... Officers confirmed yesterday he had been detained in hospital for breaching his licence conditions. Nee will be recalled to prison after recently being released automatically halfway through a 45-month sentence for burglary. The 35-year-old, who lives close to Olivia's home, was part of a gang who led cops on a 125mph chase through Cheshire and Merseyside. He admitted two counts of burglary, two counts of theft of a motor vehicle, dangerous driving, driving without insurance and driving whilst disqualified. The Sun revealed how Nee, who was shot twice in Monday night's horror, was refusing to speak to cops investigating Olivia's murder. The bloodbath unfolded when he rushed into Olivia's home to escape a gunman who shot at him and a second male on the street. Mum Cheryl appeared to have opened the front door to see what the commotion was when he forced his way inside. The shooter then followed and began peppering the home with bullets \- hitting Cheryl first then Olivia, who was standing behind her mum. Tragically, Olivia was declared dead shortly after being blasted in the chest. Her mum was treated for a gunshot wound to the wrist but has been released from hospital. Intended target Nee was treated for multiple wounds to his upper body. As Olivia lay dying, his friends picked him up in a black Audi and took him to hospital. The Audi has since been seized and the driver has been spoken to by police. Merseyside Police also issued a passionate plea for information as they vowed to ...not rest until those who are responsible are put behind bars.... Chief Constable Serena Kennedy said the ...shocking... killing ...crosses every single boundary... as she appealed to the ...criminal fraternity... in Liverpool for information. The tragedy is the third fatal shooting in Liverpool in less than a week after a council worker was killed 48 hours ago. Ashley Dale, 28, was shot dead just two miles away in her back garden in Old Swan in a case of mistaken identity. Police confirmed today a man and woman had been arrested over her death. In a separate bloodbath, Sam Rimmer, 22, was shot dead on Wednesday in Toxteth with three people arrested. A woman in her 50s was also stabbed to death outside a pub in Kirkby last night. Olivia's death also came 15 years to the day that 11-year-old Rhys Jones was brutally murdered. Dave Nelson - SuppliedChildren watch on as forensic officers hunt for clues today '/ ' PAOlivia was fatally shot in the chest at home '/ ' She was cowering behind her mum when the gunman opened fire PAJoseph Nee had burst into the home to escape the shooting '/ ' PATributes left for the youngster '/ '

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