US Politics | Incredible pictures show cute pooch playing keyboard, drum and guitar to cheer up patients in hospitals and care homes

PUP star Lizzy the labrador is a musical diva dog who plays the keyboard, drum and guitar. The therapy pet cheers up patients in hospitals and care homes by using her tail and paws to get a tune out of any instrument. @ liz_the_lab/Splitpics UKPup star Lizzy the labrador is a musical diva dog who plays the keyboard, drum and guitar '/ ' @ liz_the_lab/Splitpics UKThe therapy pet cheers up patients in hospitals and care homes by using her tail and paws to get a tune out of any instrument '/ ' Owner Jenny Willms named her after The Beatles song Dizzy Miss Lizzy. She said: "We put the drum near her tail accidentally and she was so excited that she just started to wag and wag. "She is definitely a people puppy and loves going out and  showing off her tricks." Seven-year-old Lizzy also plays basketball and skateboards. She lives on a farm in Victoria, Australia, with fellow labradors Freddy and Molly. She shows off her musical talents online. The pooch has amassed thousands of fans following her videos. Most read in The US Sun BAD SIGNS Two major 'red flags' about Kim's behavior led to Pete dumping her NICK OF TIME Kardashian fans think Kim will date ex who now has EIGHT kids WORRIES FOR WENDY Wendy Williams looks disheveled as she appears to buy cigarettes & liquor NUKE ALERT Europe's biggest nuke plant 'DISCONNECTED from grid' as Russia masses troops STORMING MAD Kylie slammed by fans for Stormi's 'inappropriate' dress as pair hit party ROBBED OF ROBIN GMA's Robin Roberts shocks fans by revealing she's taking a break from show @ liz_the_lab/Splitpics UKOwner Jenny Willms named her after The Beatles song Dizzy Miss Lizzy '/ ' @ liz_the_lab/Splitpics UKLizzy shows off her musical talents online '/ '

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