US Politics | I’m 61 and I’ve been spelling my name wrong my whole life… I even got a tattoo but the mistake was so simple
A GRANDAD has discovered he's been spelling his name wrong his whole life \- and it only took 61 YEARS to realise. Allan Grainger's family were left in stitches on Saturday after discovering his birth certificate.
DeadlineAllan made the hilarious discovery after glancing at his birth certficate '/ '
For 61-years Allan Grainger never knew he was in fact an ...Alan' with one ...L'Deadline To their astonishment, they found he is officially named ...Alan'. But Allan's been adding an extra ...L' his whole life \- and even has the assumed spelling etched on two tattoos on his body. The factory worker from Derbyshire could not believe it when he made the discovery. And what's more, even his parents had been spelling his name wrong all this time. Most read in News WAR GAMES Chinese drills INVADE Taiwan waters fuelling WW3 fears during Pelosi visit DEADLY RAMPAGE Shock past of 'knifeman who shared posts about killing before tubing attack' DEATH PLUNGE Pilot's chilling words reveal what happened before flight instructor's death TUBING HORROR 'Killer says he stabbed teen to death & hurt 4 others' in fight over a PHONE SPECTATOR SCARE Chaos at AAU Junior Olympic Games with screaming kids seen fleeing in panic RISKY MOVE Brittney Griner inmate swap with Russia is 'like negotiating with hostage taker' Incredibly, all of his official paperwork over the years \- including his wedding certificate and driving licence \- have had the father-of-two's name down as Allan. His misspelt name is tattooed across both his hand and the other on his arm \- both with the added ...L'. After posting his case of misspelt identity online \- people rushed to share their own stories of being known by the wrong name. One Instagram user said: ...I've always written my name as one word only to find out 4-years ago my name is hyphenated.... While another chimed: ...My nan only found out her name was actually Jean not Margaret when she needed her birth certificate to get married.... And a third revealed how her dad, officially named ...Stephen' by his birth certificate has always gone with ...Stephan'.
DeadlineA tattoo on the back of the grandad's hand is a second etching of his misspelt first name '/ '
DeadlineHe even has not one but two tattoos clarifying his assumed ...Allan' name '/ '

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