
US Politics | Huge Summer Wells update as her father releases letter revealing his worst fears for his missing five-year-old daughter

SUMMER Wells' father told his missing daughter how much he loves her and said he'll ...never give up... and day I will see you again.... This was Don Wells' third handwritten jailhouse letter as he finishes the last couple months of his sentence for a DUI arrest, which will officially end on October 30, a family spokesperson told The Sun US. Summer Wells mysteriously disappeared from her Tennessee home on June 15, 2021Facebook / Donald Wells Don Wells holds his daughter, who's been missing for over a year, in a picture released on the anniversary of her disappearanceFacebook / Donald Wells Mr Wells wrote this letter to Summer from jailFind Summer Wells During a hearing on Wednesday, the judge decided Mr Wells doesn't need to enter rehab after he's released, the spokesperson said. After the hearing, Mr Wells released the latest letter in a series to his daughter, who's been missing for more than a year. ...I don't know if there's even the remotest chance of you ever seeing this letter, but I'm going to write it hoping you will,... Mr Wells said. ...My heart aches constantly and then the thought of someone mistreating you puts so much anguish and fear for you that I can barely breath at times.... SUMMER WELLS 'IT KILLS US' Missing girl's dad shares devastating update about 5-year-old's disappearance HEARTFELT WORDS Update in missing girl's case as dad posts harrowing letter from jail Mr Wells' first letter was addressed to the ...person or persons responsible for kidnapping Summer,... and he thanked the donors to his daughter's reward fund in second letter. (See below for full transcript of the letter to Summer.) WHERE IS SUMMER? What happened to Summer remains a mystery. She was five years old the last time she was seen on June 15, 2021 in her Hawkins County, Tennessee home. An AMBER alert was issued the next day. Most read in The US Sun 'SO TOXIC' Meghan McCain reveals cruel comment ex cohost said that made her quit The View DIET DANGERS The top 5 worst foods that could SHORTEN your life expectancy AIR THREAT China flies 22 jets into Taiwan airspace after firing 11 missiles in war drills VLADIM-EAR 'Sickly' Putin using body double with different EARS, claims Ukraine THIN KIM Kardashian fans fear for Kim's health as she looks 'skinnier than EVER' in pics KIM-COMPLETELY DONE? Kim's fans spot big 'clue' she has split from Pete Davidson in new pic The Wells family has said she went to the basement to play with toys after planting flowers in the front yard with her grandmother and mother and seemingly vanished. The court of public opinion turned on Don and the Wells family and pointed the finger at them. But the family has maintained that Summer was abducted by an unknown perpetrator. In March it was reported that Summer's family ...wasn't cooperating... with law enforcement as the search for their daughter continues. Candus Bly, Summer's mom, wrote a note to WJHL, which was forwarded to The Sun by a family spokesperson, that denied the sheriff's wall-of-silence allegations. During an interview with Dr Phil, the TV personality made it clear that he does not think the parents had anything to do with Summer's disappearance, but he did press them on if they knew anything more about who may have targeted the girl. FULL TRANSCRIPT OF LETTER TO SUMMER ...Dear Summer, I don't know if there's even the remotest chance of you ever seeing this letter but I'm going to write it hoping you will. ...First of all I want you to know that I love you with all my heart. I've never missed someone as much as I miss you. My heart aches constantly and then the thought of someone mistreating you puts so much anguish and fear for you that I can barely breath at times. I beg God for your life and break out in tears constantly. ...I'm very glad I got to spend 5 years with you but now my life always feels like snow, rain, and drizzle never ending. You are the highlight of my entire miserable existence on this earth. ...I love you Summer with every fiber of my being sweetheart! I love you and I will never give up on you and one day I will see you again. Always & Forever Your earthly Dad. Father. ... BODY LANGUAGE EXPERT'S OPINION OF DON The Behavior Panel interviewed Mr Wells for two hours before his Dr Phil appearance in November 2021. The Behavior Panel \- a four-member team of behavior and body language experts \- all agreed that they believed he was innocent, something that they said has only happened two or three times. He's choirboy... but he's also ...not a criminal mastermind,... said Greg Hartley, a retired military interrogator and one of the four members of The Behavior Panel ...Nothing is ever 100 percent (but) he wasn't hedging in his answers. He wasn't guarding anything,... Mr Hartley told The Sun in a previous interview. Read More on The US Sun BEAUTY QUEEN MYSTERY JonBenét Ramsey cops urged to re-test DNA on 3 key pieces of evidence PICKERS' DREAM Inside American Pickers star Robbie's $225K store featuring vintage cars They said they asked Mr Wells if he hurt Summer or if he had anything to do with her disappearance. His answer was no, and his story was consistent, Mr Hartley said. What happened to Summer and where she is remains a mystery for than a year laterWells family Mr Wells said his daughter is the ...highlight of my entire miserable existence'Wells family Mr Wells (pictured with his wife) continues to serve his sentence for DUIYouTube

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