US Politics | Horror moment nurse drowns while live streaming herself in hotel pool before being discovered by horrified guests
A NURSE has drowned while live streaming herself in a hotel pool before being discovered by shocked guests. Hellen Wendy Nyabuto, 24, was filmed kicking and screaming moments before drowning in a pool at Key Motel in Ontario, Canada, Thursday evening.
Hellen Wendy Nyabuto drowned to death while livestreaming herself in a hotel poolFacebook
The young nurse was heard whaling and seen struggling in the waterFacebook The young nurse \- who had moved over from Kenya \- could be seen smiling as she entered from the shallow end of the pool. Moments later, she made her way to deeper end where loud cries were heard and she began kicking violently in the water during the initial 10-minute long livestream to family and friends. One of the men could be heard on the livestream refusing to enter the pool because a mystery object in the water ...looked like an actual dead person.... READ MORE ON WORLD NEWS
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HOLIDAY HELL Vid shows mass 'Brit' brawl as onlookers scream & thug boots women on ground Residents at the Ontario hotel called police after dredging up her body. According to Canadian paper The Toronto Star, Hellen worked at as a frontline nurse during the pandemic at a nursing home before her death. Close friend Alfonce Nyamwaya told the outlet that Hellen ...worked with seniors right until the end... and had a real ...passion... for her job. Alfonce was the last person who spoke to Hellen before she entered the pool and drowned. Most read in The US Sun BENEATH THE SHEETS The number of times you should be having sex each week to keep healthy RAINING HELL Terrifying moment flesh-melting 'thermite bombs' rain down on Ukrainian town SUPPORT SYSTEM I have big boobs - I found 6 bralettes I love, including a lacy number CAMOUFLAGED CANINE You have the eyes of a hawk if you can spot the dog in the kitchen PELOSI'S SHAME Nancy's husband pleads GUILTY to one DUI charge after drunk car crash card's marked I made lottery algorithm to find scratch cards most likely to win - it works ...I was preparing myself for the afternoon shift when she gave me a video call,... he told The Nation. ...She told me she was headed to the swimming pool to relax after completing her morning shift. She inquired whether I had eaten before we said goodbye to each other.... He said Hellen had been the family's ...bread winner... after her dad and that she had moved to Canada three years prior. ...Hellen was the breadwinner back home for her family. She's been supporting them and it's left a big gap,... he said, adding she hadn't been home since she left in 2019. Hellen's family \- who are now trying to raise funds to bring her body back to Kenya \- said their daughter was sharing an apartment in Toronto with her little brother while she studied nursing and worked part-time. Her brother Enock said his ...heart sunk when I heard the news of her untimely demise.... Her dad Kiyondi said: ...Our lamp has been put 'out '. She is the one who was supporting the family by paying school fees for the other siblings and it's tragic.... He added: ...I'm stuck now and back to square one. I'm wondering how her younger siblings will continue schooling.... The family has dismissed claims Hellen had planned her death after a conversation wit friends emerged in which she suggested she might ...die this year.... ...I will always be here. Even if I die this year, I don't know whether you will come and take my body,... she said jokingly in one of her videos. He said he only found out about Hellen's death after receiving a text from one of his daughter's friends. Hellen had been rushed to hospital on Thursday but several attempts to revive her failed. The 24-year-old health care hopped in and out of the pool that fateful day to check her phone as she live-streamed her dip. The video showed her swimming carefree and holding her breath under water for several seconds as part of breathing exercises. Moments later, she was seen struggling for air and was heard making loud whaling sounds while kicking and waving her arms for two minutes before falling silent. The Nyabuto family have set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds to repatriate her body. On the page, Enock described his sister as ...full of life.... He said she had ...a warm smile and a charming heart... and anyone who met her ...had their spirits lifted.... ...She was passionate about her work and she touched many hearts,... he said. A friend said Hellen was ...was the kind of person that you would talk to and share.... Read More on The Sun
PARTY TIME I gave my girl,11, a £23k nightclub-themed party… trolls slammed it as grotesque So far, the family has raised $3,000 Canadian dollars out of a goal of $50k. Ontario police said ...steps were being taken... to remove the video from social media platforms.
FacebookHellen's family in Kenya said she was the main ...breadwinner' after her dad '/ '

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