
US Politics | Hiker plummets to his death from mountain ledge after last minute change of heart turned deadly

A HIKER has fallen to his death while climbing down a mountain and slipping off a ledge into a waterfall. The climber reportedly made the fatal last-minute decision on Saturday to forego the official Mont Cannon tram in favor of climbing down the mountain despite there being no clear path. GoogleThe hiker decided to climb down instead of getting the tram '/ ' NBC News Center MaineHe fell from Cannon Mountain in New Hampshire '/ ' Three hikers were descending a New Hampshire mountain in a group and attempting to cross a rocky waterfall when one of them ...slipped, causing him to fall off a ledge,... according to a news release. ...The other two members of the group called 911 for assistance once they realized they could no longer see their companion,... New Hampshire Fish and Game said in the statement. Law enforcement tracked the coordinates to the scene of the slip in Mount Cannon. When authorities reached the bottom of the waterfall, they found the body of the dead male hiker. Read more on horror falls DEATH PLUNGE Woman falls 100ft to her death on hiking trial in front of horrified pals TEARS FOR EVERLY Heartbreaking update after girl fell to death while hiking with family He has not yet been identified. His remains were taken to a funeral home in Littleton, New Hampshire, according to the news release. On Friday afternoon, another hiker died at Multnomah Falls, CBS said. The woman fell more than a hundred feet. Most read in The US Sun BENEATH THE SHEETS The number of times you should be having sex each week to keep healthy RAINING HELL Terrifying moment flesh-melting 'thermite bombs' rain down on Ukrainian town SUPPORT SYSTEM I have big boobs - I found 6 bralettes I love, including a lacy number CAMOUFLAGED CANINE You have the eyes of a hawk if you can spot the dog in the kitchen PELOSI'S SHAME Nancy's husband pleads GUILTY to one DUI charge after drunk car crash card's marked I made lottery algorithm to find scratch cards most likely to win - it works She was found after first responders hiked upwards of a mile into a trail, according to the outlet. The female hiker has also not yet been identified. Read More on The US Sun WORRIED FOR WENDY Wendy clings to bodyguard and struggles to walk amid health crisis BENEATH THE SHEETS The number of times you should be having sex each week to keep healthy Annually, there are 1,000 estimated deaths per year in US national parks, according to HikersDaily. Half of those are accidental vehicle accidents, drowning, and falls, it adds.

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