US Politics | Who is Demi Minor?
AMID the heated debate over transgender rights, Demi Minor has become synonymous with a system that is struggling to adapt. Trans Demi Minor, once detained at New Jersey's only women's prison, was famously moved to a men's prison in June 2022.
Trans Demi Minor was transferred from a female prison after getting two inmates pregnant Demi Minor is a 27 year old transwoman who is serving a 30-year sentence for carjacking and manslaughter \- she was found guilty of stabbing Theotis Butts, her former foster father, 69, to death when she was 16. Minor started her transition in 2020 and was moved out of the male prison system to the all-female Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women, where there now are 27 trans prisoners. While serving time at the 800-inmate New Jersey women's prison, Minor reportedly got two fellow inmates pregnant, before being transferred to a men's prison. After her move from Edna Mahan to the Garden State Youth Correctional Facility, Minor was placed in a vulnerable unit, according to a New Jersey Department of Corrections spokesman. There, she is the only woman. READ MORE IN US NEWS
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BLOODY WEEKEND Indiana rocked by two deadly mass shootings in ONE day leaving four dead In a scathing post on her Justice 4 Demi blog, Minor has described how she was allegedly misgendered and abused by guards during the transfer to the prison for your adults in Burlington County. The woman was placed on suicide watch after she tried to hang herself during the transfer. Minor also alleged she was held at New Jersey State Prison for a brief time, during which security referred to her as ...a he... over 30 times. The transfer came less than two months after it transpired Minor had impregnated two inmate after engaging in "consensual sexual relationship with another incarcerated person". Describing the alleged abuse she was victim of, Minor wrote: ...This is the hell that NJDOC 'New Jersey Department of Corrections ' wants to put me through, this is my punishment for what occurs over two months ago, they have violated my right to be safe and free from sexual harassment, by putting me in one of the most violent youth Correctional facilities.... Most read in News COMIC LOST Jak Knight cause of death revealed after comedian, 28, found dead in LA 'Hero' 'Good Samaritan' who took down deranged gunman during deadly rampage is pictured CHILLING ABUSE Major update in case of girl raped, murdered & dismembered on 10th birthday COURT CHAOS Horror details after woman kidnapped & raped as suspect appears NAKED in court SEED THE WORLD Errol Musk's 'been asked to donate sperm to create new generation of Elons' REAL-LIFE PARASITE Horror details after man breaks into home 'to perform surgery on family' The notorious case less than a year after the state of New Jersey passed a policy that allows inmates to be house according to their preferred gender identity. It followed a civil rights case settlement agreement with Sonia Doe and American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). It followed the case of a woman who was made to live in an all-male prison for 18 years. Minor added: ...Mentally I have not been myself and I am losing my essence. The Demi, who wants to wear make-up and hangout with her friends is not permitted here. ...They 'officers ' have said that I can have my make-up but the truth is we know its a death wish, its literally going to cause more harassment. Read More On The Sun
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A-LIST CLEAN I'm a celebrity housekeeper - what my famous clients always want me to do ...I have accepted that I am in a male facility but I have not accepted nor will I ever agree to or accept that I am anything other than a woman who happens to be transgender.... Over the years, Minor has become a juvenile justice advocate. Minor is eligible for parole in 2037.

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