
US Politics | Vladimir Putin health – ‘Sickly’ despot HUMILIATED as he’s awkwardly kept waiting for meeting with Turkish leader

VLADIMIR Putin cut a solitary figure this week as Turkish leader  Recep Tayyip Erdoğan left him waiting as dozens of photographers looked on. The Russian dictator looked seriously awkward as he stood alone, shifting from one foot to the other. This must have come as a shock for Vlad, who has gained a reputation in recent years for making world leaders wait for him. Joyce Karam, senior correspondent at Middle Eastern media organisation National News, highlighted this moment in a Twitter post. "Those 50 seconds that Erdoğan made Putin wait, looking frazzled in front of cameras say plenty of how much has changed after Ukraine," she said. It is likely that Erdogan did this on purpose, after Putin did the same to him in 2020. Read our Ukraine war live blog below for the latest up-to-date news...

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