
US Politics | Sickly Putin’s face TWITCHES and his legs wobble as he’s forced to wait excruciating 48 seconds for Turkish leader

SICKLY Vladimir Putin struggled to stand and twitched as he was forced to wait an excruciating 48 seconds to greet the Turkish President. The frail 69-year-old appeared visibly uncomfortable as Recep Tayyip Erdoğan kept him waiting ahead of their sit down in Tehran. East2WestVladimir Putin sucked in his cheeks and fidgeted as he was kept waiting by the Turkish President '/ ' East2WestThe warmonger struggled to keep his composure during the 48-second delay '/ ' After slowly striding into the room, the tyrant seemed to become unsteady on his feet within just a matter of seconds on Tuesday. Putin awkwardly shifts his weight while battling to keep composure as a crowd of photographers focus on the loitering Russian leader. His continuous fidgeting and twitching face further highlighted his instability, sparking rumours the warmonger's health has took a turn for the worse. Putin has become a shadow of his former strongman self in recent months, amid claims he is suffering from Parkinson's or terminal cancer. Read more on Russia BRAVE DARIA Russia's top female tennis star bravely comes out as gay and slams Ukraine war HEAVY LOSSES Russia loses third of army's strength since invasion with 50,000 troops dead But it was his ego that was left wounded ahead of his meeting with Erdoğan, as he was left hanging by the Turkish President for nearly one minute. Unpunctual Putin regularly keeps his Western counterparts waiting before meetings, in a bid to intimidate other world leaders. Yet President Erdoğan managed to put him in his place before their encounter \- with some suggesting it may have been payback. The pair met up in Moscow in 2020, but the Turkish President \- blasted over human rights abuses and strained relations with NATO allies \- was left waiting for so long that he took a seat. 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Government official Anton Gerashchenko posted on Telegram: ...Erdogan made Putin wait during the meeting in Tehran.  ...The whole spectrum of emotions of the humiliated and insulted Führer is on his face. The bunker is indeed the best place to stay with such a face.... Anti-Putin Telegram channel General SVR suggested today that Putin had needed regular under medical supervision during his short visit to Iran.  It claimed Erdoğan had ...publicly humiliated Putin by forcing him to wait... in front of the cameras ...until the Turkish leader deigned to come out to him.... The channel continued: ...If the purpose of Putin's visit to Iran was to show how he walks unsteadily, or rather hobbles, unnaturally pressing his hand to his body, how dark spots appear on his face despite the abundant layer of makeup, how he needed to 'rest' four times during the visit with the presence of a medical worker and in general to demonstrate how sick and weak he is, then the visit in this regard was a 100 per cent success. ... General SVR is reportedly authored by an exiled Kremlin lieutenant-general insider who uses the alias Viktor Mikhailovich. The channel claims to have insider knowledge from the Kremlin.  It has previously claimed that Putin is ailing from cancer and multiple other illnesses including Parkinson's disease and a schizoaffective disorder. The meeting with Erdoğan was the first time Putin has met with a NATO leader in recent weeks amid the continuing war in Ukraine. The Russian President used his meetings in Tehran to cement an anti-western coalition, securing a £33 billion deal to develop gas and oil in Iran.  His fatigue was even evident as he hobbled along a red carpet with his arm hanging limp by his side when he arrived in Iran. Footage of the Russian leader's arrival showed him shuffling down the steps of his jet as he landed in Tehran to meet with fellow global terror master Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The whole spectrum of emotions of the humiliated and insulted Führer is on his face. Anton Gerashchenko He briefly waved to the gathered crowds before being whisked into his presidential convoy to the city. It's Putin's first trip outside the boundaries of the former Soviet Union since the invasion of Ukraine in February. The Kremlin leader was seen on a video mocking the West for seeking alternatives to Russian gas and oil in protest of his war in Ukraine.  He also took the opportunity to allude to his hostility towards LGBTQ+ rights, telling reporters: ...The 'West ' are big specialists in non-traditional relationships. ...So in the energy area they also decided to bet on unconventional types of energy \- the sun and wind.... He then gloated: ...The winter turned out to be long. There was no wind \- this is it.... Putin spoke amid fears he will use energy supplies as a weapon of war this winter to play havoc with Western economies.  The despot told Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamene: ...These sanctions cause damage to the West 'itself ' and such problems as price hikes on oil as well as the food crisis emerge as a result. ...The fact that our partners are pinning the blame or trying to pin the blame for their own mistakes on Russia, on Gazprom, is absolutely groundless.... East2WestPutin was visibly pleased when President Erdoğan finally arrived for the sit down '/ ' He seemed to struggle as he shuffled down the steps of his jet after arriving in Iran on TuesdayGetty

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