US Politics | Ola Jordan should be proud of her ‘mum bod’ and the shame she feels is all social media’s fault

WHEN Ola Jordan said she was "horrified and so disappointed" with herself, I thought the Strictly star must have done something truly terrible. After all, she's just about the only dancer not to have been struck by the infamous Strictly Curse. InstagramOla Jordan posted this snap of her and husband James saying she was ...horrified' with her body '/ ' But no, this was no sordid affair or devastating scandal. The new mum was actually complaining about her appearance in a bikini shot. The 39-year-old posted a photo of herself in a hot-pink bikini on Instagram, saying she hoped that sharing her "mum bod" with the world would "motivate" her to do something about it. I don't want to seem insensitive here but, honestly, what's the problem? To my eyes, she looks great. And I feel so sad that Ola — and new mums in general — feel this much pressure to look perfect. It breaks my heart that Ola feels ashamed of her body. She has a two-year-old daughter, for goodness sake. After I had my kids I was HUGE. In total honesty, I still haven't shifted that baby weight . . . 26 years later. GettyIt breaks my heart that Ola feels ashamed of her body. '/ ' Most read in The US Sun BIZARRE Kourtney's stepdaughter Alabama shares disturbing video with 'blood' on her face VIRAL TERROR Deadly eye-bleeding virus which kills up to third of patients reaches Spain SISTER SNUB Kylie Jenner SHADES sister Kendall in shocking Instagram post after snub GOWN GLORY Two types of dresses that suit women with a big waist SOLE SURVIVOR Boy, 9, left standing alone in PJs after parents & sister, 6, killed in tent REVENGE! Khloe shows off thin figure in thong bathing suit as Tristan parties with models But I don't remember feeling any pressure to look anything other than the way I looked. After all, my body had created a whole new person. Plus, I had an ongoing addiction to Wagon Wheels. I feel pretty certain that all this "shame" and pressure women feel is a direct result of social media. And Ola agrees, saying: "Especially with Instagram, you do see perfect bodies all the time, perfect lives, and perfect outfits. "It makes you feel like you've failed in life when you let yourself go a bit . . . but I don't have the time to exercise." It is damaging that there is so much pressure to "bounce back" into our pre-baby shapes. Women are under ridiculous pressure to comply with unrealistic expectations. But the truth is we are lovely as we are. And, way more importantly, Ola's gorgeous little girl is worth every new ­little lump and bump. Ola looks the same as 99.9 per cent of new mums after having their kids. I now realise I was lucky. When I had my babies the lowest priority on my list was getting to the gym or starving myself to get my weight back. I was given the space and freedom to enjoy my changing body and take my time in recovering from childbirth. BODIES ALWAYS CHANGE No doubt people will tell Ola she is brave to post that picture. But it should not be an act of bravery to show your normal, and inevitably imperfect, body. The main thing I have realised, on seeing these photos, is that us women need to give ourselves a break. Ola seems healthy and happy. Surely that is all that counts? It's refreshing to be natural without the filters. But the real measure of success is how happy you are, not how thin. The older you get, the more you appreciate being content and heal- thy, rather than achieving a measure of beauty that is both unrealistic and bloody hard work. GettyOla and James were both Strictly Come Dancing pros '/ ' No one on their death bed thinks about the time they worked out in the gym, or that moment they turned down a biscuit or a glass of wine. You will remember the people you spent time with, the places you went, the food you ate and wine you drank. It's such a shame that so many women spend their short lives feeling bad about something as inconsequential as how we look. Bodies always change, especially after kids. That is largely beyond your control. The one thing you can work on, though, is how you feel about yourself. Crime on the rise IT is really concerning that police forces in England and Wales have recorded the highest number of crimes in 20 years. In the year to March 2022, 6.3million crimes were recorded – four per cent more than the previous all-time high of 6.1million in 2019/20. There are many things for the new Prime Minister to put on their to-do list. This needs to be right at the top. A new low by sickos Sick sex offenders tried to take advantage of the refugee crisisGetty IT'S so sad and worrying to think about all the children who have been displaced by the war in Ukraine. Those who are travelling unaccom­panied and are extremely vulnerable. And it defies belief that ten British sex offenders were tracked going to refugee-laden Poland in the early weeks of war, seemingly to take advantage of the chaos unfolding on the border with Ukraine. Luckily, the National Crime Agency revealed this week that all ten were interviewed by the Polish authorities and removed from the country. The thought of travelling to Poland under the guise of helping the two-thirds of children who have been displaced by this terrible war, while planning to take advantage of their vulnerability, is truly sick. But I guess the good news is that these people have been stopped. By the grace of gob APPARENTLY we have been eating our food wrong all along.Research, led by Oxford professor of experimental psychology Charles Spence, claims that eating with our mouths open makes a meal tastier. It helps food aromas reach the back of the nose, heightening our experience of eating. Prof Spence said: "We should always ditch our manners and chew with our mouths open." Take this advice at your peril. As all children know, showing off a mouthful of semi-chewed slop is guaranteed to revolt most people. Your chicken tikka masala may taste better when eaten with your gob agape – but your date is likely to make a sprint for the curry house door. Not a normal holiday WHEN your kids become teenagers, everything you do embarrasses them. So God knows what Ben Affleck's 16-year-old daughter Violet made of her father snogging his new bride Jo-Lo during a dinner in Paris on Thursday. But I think it's rather nice they chose to take some of their kids to Paris with them on their honeymoon. I wish them both the very best. JK's no trans hater JUST in case anyone was wondering whether the world could get much madder, this week we had the confirmation. Quidditch, a game invented by JK Rowling in her Harry Potter books, has been renamed Quadball in order to "distance" the sport from the author. PAJK Rowling simply wants to stand up for women's rights '/ ' The decision has been made by two of its governing bodies – the International Quidditch Association (IQA) and Major League Quidditch (MLQ) – which state the writer has "increasingly come under scrutiny for her anti-trans positions". It may, indeed, be true that JK Rowling has "come under scrutiny for her anti-trans positions". But that absolutely does not mean she is anti-trans. JK was accused of transphobia in 2020 when responding on Twitter to an article with the headline: "Opinion: Creating a more equal post Covid-19 world for people who menstruate." Apparently, her "anti-trans view" was to say this: "I'm sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?" I doubt that JK Rowling will lose sleep over this latest cancellation. After all, it's a fictional game meant to be played on the back of a flying broomstick. But the sport only exists because she invented it. Without her, no one would be playing it. And I wonder if these people so keen to cancel her actually realise that more people agree with her than don't? To be clear: I'm not transphobic. But, like JK, I do not want to see my rights and needs eroded. Calling a woman a woman – and a man a man (where are all the people wanting to cancel the word man?) and wanting female-only toilets, prisons, hospital wards and changing rooms is not transphobic. Read More on The Sun NAME GAME We named our son a strong, manly name but family laughed in our face at it BRANCHING OUT My neighbour has cut down LOADS of my tree - I'm absolutely fuming We do not want to be called womb carriers, a birthing person, a chest feeder, a cervix owner. We just want to be called what we are. Women.

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