
US Politics | Maxim Slobodian dead – Base jumper dies at 31 in stunt gone wrong hours after haunting post about ‘joy of being alive’

A PROFESSIONAL skydiver has died in a base jumping accident hours after an Instagram post on the ...precious privilege to be alive.... Ukrainian daredevil Maxim Slobodian, 31, crashed into an obstacle and fell 1,000ft in mountains above Lake Walenstadt, Switzerland. Instagram/@greenflyingdude/Maxim Slobodian posted this photo hours before his fatal accident in Switzerland '/ ' Instagram/@maximignite/Maxim travelled the world to pursue his passion for base jumping '/ ' The thrillseeker \- known as Maxim Ignite on TikTok and Instagram \- had done 8,100 jumps, according to his online biography. It is unclear exactly what caused the fatal accident at 7pm on Sunday. Swiss German-language daily newspaper Blick said he died in Walenstadtberg, not far from the border with Liechtenstein. The paper did not include any information regarding his wing suit or his parachute, but other local sources have suggested a faulty parachute may have been the cause. READ MORE IN WORLD NEWS DEATH RIDDLE Five mysteries in case of teen, 18, last seen in haunting Death Road photo 'STARVED TO DEATH' Chilling new details as girl dies & siblings found in 'house of horrors' A private air-rescue service, Rega, rushed to the scene, where medics attempted to save the sportsman who suffered extensive injuries. Blick reported an on-site doctor confirmed Maxim's death at the scene. St Gallen's regional police are investigating. His death came hours after he had posted a photo of himself about to jump off a cliff in Switzerland, wearing his trademark black and white wingsuit. He said in a : ...When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive \- to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.... Another post showed a video of him skimming rocks in a high-speed dive through a ravine. He said: ...We live to feel free in the sky, to reach the impossible. For the dreamers and the believers, the child who wants to fly high.... Maxim's representatives and family are yet to confirm his death. But heartfelt tributes poured in from friends and fans. Video producer Ofer Yakov, who filmed helicopter jumps with Maxim, told of his shock on Instagram. He said: ...I really wish it wasn't real, and I didn't have to say goodbye to you today, Max. ...You were always so nice to me and always cared about me, and the last voice message you sent me will always remain for proof.... Most read in US News COURT CHAOS Horror details after woman kidnapped & raped as suspect appears NAKED in court REAL-LIFE PARASITE Horror details after man breaks into home 'to perform surgery on family' DISTURBING FIND Underwear & other chilling clues found in search for missing woman, 24 HAUNTING WORDS Instagrammer 'predicted' death in post about 'being ghost' before boat crash BLOODY WEEKEND Indiana rocked by two deadly mass shootings in ONE day leaving four dead SHOPPING HORROR Five hurt including 72-year-old after 'gunmen open fire at Walmart store' Blogger Diana Gazieva said: ...I hope you didn't suffer and everything happened quickly, it hurts me to think about it all. ...Love u, miss u ❤💔🪦 my @maximignite.... Singer Ethan Clark said: ...See you in paradise brother, you'll always be an legend in our hearts.... On Instagram, fan Aggie said: "No no no please tell me it's not true!!! I don't want a world without you in it". Another fan said: "Fly free brother. Thank for you some of the best moments of my life ❤🕊". Liverichmedia also paid tribute to the athlete: "The nicest guy and brother I knew. Did what he loved, and always pushed the envelope. Read More on The Sun BRANCHING OUT My neighbour has cut down LOADS of my tree - I'm absolutely fuming HOME RUN I turned my drab caravan into dream space using Ikea bargains & saved thousands ...You will always have a place in our hearts brother. There is only one of you! Love you brother. Rest In Peace and now fly forever." Maxim was popular on TikTok, where his daring videos earned him over 260K followers. Instagram/@maximignite/Maxim said he felt as comfortable in the air as he did on the ground '/ ' Instagram/@maximignite/Maxim's experience spanned over 8,000 jumps '/ '

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