US Politics | I woke up and found a COCKROACH was stuck in my ear – I had to go to A&E to have it removed

A WOMAN revealed that she got a cockroach stuck in her ear \- and was rushed to A&E after trying to drown it with mouthwash. Her ordeal went viral after she shared the story on TikTok, racking up almost half a million views. TikTok/nadia.limzqA woman went viral after sharing how she ended up in A&E after attempting to drown a cockroach in her ear with mouthwash '/ ' GettyAfter deciding to drown the cockroach to get it out of her ear, she opted for Listerine rather than going with water '/ ' After attempting to drown the creepy-crawly with Listerine, she ended up in a hospital in Singapore with doctors probing inside her ear for over half an hour. TikTok users were desperate to know how the bizarre situation even happened, and she posted a follow up video to explain. She said the cockroach landed on her while she was asleep, but when it woke her up it wasn't actually in her ear yet. Most read in US News CAMPAIGN CHAOS Shock moment congressman 'ATTACKED with knife' in front of crowd at speech SICK PLOT Chilling clues revealed wife as killer after death of husbands & daughter framed break point Shock update in King Richard's battle over Serena's rotting childhood home 'BAD FEELING' Chilling clues in video of mom who vanished with ex and toddler 'TOOK HIS FAMILY'S HEART' Law & Order crew member's family sends message to his killer SICK JOE Joe Biden, 79, tests positive for Covid & suffers 'mild symptoms' after big speech But after she panicked and swatted at it, the insect leapt inside to safety. ...So I whacked it like really hard, I whacked it because I was panicking and I was trying to get it out 'of the bed ',... she said. ...And when I whack it it f**king crawled into my ear. ...I just got up and I screamed so damn loud. It was f**king disgustingly uncomfortable because I could feel it wiggling in my ear. ...Honestly right I'm just f**king unlucky because how does this happen to someone?!... she added. She said that although the cockroach was probably only about 3cm, it was lodged so far in she couldn't grab it with her fingers. Bizarrely, after deciding to drown the insect to get it out, the woman chose to go with mouthwash rather than sticking with water. ...And at this point, honestly I don't think Listerine is safe for your ear but I didn't know what else to do,... she said. While it eventually stopped wriggling around in her ear, her problems weren't over as the bug was still lodged and muffling her hearing. After reaching for the tweezers to finish the ordeal, she found it was stuck. ...I broke it into like, pieces... she said. ...So when some of it came out right, the white guts came out, and like the skin of the cockroach \- the f**king, like oh my god, the brown shell came out. ...You don't understand, like, I wanted to puke.... The woman then had to rush off to A&E as medical help became her only hope of removing the creepy-crawly. TikTok/nadia.limzqShe shared her ordeal on TikTok \- where her videos racked up almost half a million views '/ '

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