US Politics | I shopped my wife to Putin’s henchmen after she slammed Ukraine invasion – I hope she ends up in gulag, boasts husband

A PUTIN-obsessed Russian has turned his own wife into the police after she allegedly criticised the war in Ukraine. The blind patriot husband accused his spouse of turning their own six-year-old son against the Kremlin. East2WestUkrainian Yulia Boyko 29 with her Russian husband Sergei Obraztsov, 37 '/ ' East2WestYulia's husband went to the police after she spoke out against Russia's war in Ukraine '/ ' East2WestYulia is taking her ex-husband to court '/ ' Builder Sergei Obraztsov, 37, has demanded Putin...s police ...take measures... against his hairstylist wife because she ...expresses anti-Russian sentiments related to the special military operation.... Ukrainian-born hairstylist Yulia Boyko could face a prison sentence if found guilty under new hardline Russian laws targeting those who criticise the war. Sergei also accused his wife of wanting to take his young son Maksim back to her native Ukraine. The couple \- who are now separated \- live in a small town around 15 miles west of Moscow, and split parenting duties between them. READ MORE ON RUSSIA & UKRAINE BRITAIN'S AID British missiles help Ukraine to blitz Russian bases and vital supplies SPY MYSTERY Ex-Russian spy chief dead weeks after fellow crony dies in eerily similar case Sergei claimed his son ...parrots anti-Russian slogans and argues with other children... at his school. ...He repeats after his mother and as a responsible parent, I cannot allow this,... he said.... In court documents, Sergei claims his ex-wife was hysteria... and ...crying... on the day Russia invaded Ukraine. He also said that he invited Yulia's relatives to come and live in Russia, but, unsurprisingly, they refused. 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Speaking to The Sun Online, distraught Yulia said she would fight her ...tyrant... husband's accusations in court. ...I don't need this,... she said. ...Let everything be sorted by a judge according to the law.... He simply used the ... war in Ukraine ... to take Yulia's child away from her InnaYulia's sister Yulia's sister Inna, 37, who is a doctor in her native Ukraine, accused her ex-brother-in-law of abducting little Maksim and throwing Yulia out of the flat before calling the police on her. ...He simply used the situation with the war in Ukraine for his own purposes \- to take Yulia's child away from her,... she told The Sun Online. She added that Yulia had tried to leave her husband of seven years a number of times and that relations worsened until she asked for a divorce on the eve of the war. But despite throwing her out, Inna says Sergei has let Yulia into the flat almost every day to care for their son, who has been ill. ...He is clearly trying to turn Maksim against Yulia,... she said. ...The child is confused and frightened. Sergei is a very insecure man.... She went on: ...When he and Yulia were still together, he was always jealous of her, wanting to control her every move. ...Yulia is very fond of her family in Ukraine and tries to visit her parents as often as possible. Sergei did not like this.... She also accused Sergei of not supporting the war until he realised he could use it in a cynical bid to stop his wife from seeing their child. East2WestYulia's sister Inna, left, says Sergei is using new laws to get custody of his son '/ ' East2WestSergei, left, insists he went to the police because he ...felt threatened' '/ ' Attempting to defend himself, Sergei insisted that he had to go to the police because he ...felt threatened,... and that his wife had tried to take their child to Ukraine. ...Since the beginning of the military operation I stopped communicating with her at all,... he said. And despite allowing Yulia to see their son, he added: ...I don't want my child to be taken out of my country. ...He is a Russian citizen, he was born in Moscow. It's his country, he has his citizenship. I hope he will be safe.... Putin's regime has enacted strict new laws on public protest and free speech in the wake of the Ukrainian invasion. It followed a number of rare demonstrations of dissent in the early days of the war. Under laws in place since March, ...discrediting the Russian armed forces... or spreading ...false information... about the war is punishable by up to 15 years in prison. On July 8, a Moscow court handed down its first jail sentence for such crimes. Aleksei Gorinov, a local official from Moscow who had spoken out against the war in a meeting on March 15, was sentenced to seven years in one of Putin's fearsome penal colonies. Read More on The Sun NAME GAME We named our son a strong, manly name but family laughed in our face at it BRANCHING OUT My neighbour has cut down LOADS of my tree - I'm absolutely fuming Bravely, Gorinov remained defiant throughout his trial, holding up a sign in the courtroom reading ...Do you still need this war?... Exact numbers aren't known, but it's feared scores may be facing such sentences for the crime of free speech.

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