US Politics | Mystery as severed human head is dumped outside courthouse before cops find decapitated body on river bank nearby
A MAN dumped a severed human head outside a courthouse then sat waiting to be arrested in Germany last night. Police believe the head belongs to a decapitated body that was found on the banks of the river Rhine nearby.
ReutersA suspected killer laid a severed head outside this courthouse in Bonn '/ '
Pacific Coast NewsThe rest of the body was found on a river bank half a mile away '/ ' Horrified witnesses saw the man openly laying the severed head at the main entrance to the Bonn district court at 5.40pm yesterday. They alerted police who detained him on the spot. One witness told Bild: ...The man then just sat there a few meters from the head. He allowed himself to be arrested without resistance." Another witness, Fuat Ayman, did not at first realise what he was looking at. read more crime
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Pacific Coast NewsForensics teams sealed off the street outside the Bonn district court '/ '
ReutersWitnesses said the man sat on the steps and waited to be arrested '/ '
NewsflashWitness Fuat Ayman said he initially thought the head was a teddy bear '/ '

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