Top News | Neighbours of couple stabbed to death in ‘parking row’ heard shouts of ‘f***ing a**hole’ before bloodbath

Wed, 24 Nov 2021 13:12:38 +0000
NEIGHBOURS of a couple stabbed to death following an alleged row over parking heard a screaming match minutes before the bloodbath. Stephen Chapple, 36, and his wife Jennifer, 33, were found fatally injured in their home in Norton Fitzwarren, Somerset, on Sunday night. 960A neighbour heard a man swearing in the street \- moments before police and paramedics found a couple who had been fatally injured in their own home 848Jennifer and Stephen Chapple were knifed to death days after garden centre worker Jennifer was verbally abused in a chilling incident caught on doorbell camera The Chapples' sons, aged just five and six, were in their beds upstairs when their parents died. A witness has now claimed she heard an ...aggressive... man shouting moments before cops arrived. The woman, who lives nearby, said she heard a voice screaming from the street: ...Shove it up your f***ing a***hole.... Around five minutes later, cops and paramedics arrived \- and Mr and Mrs Chapple were found fatally injured. The neighbour said: "I heard a man outside \- he was shouting loudly and aggressively. "I didn't look, but I assumed he was drunk \- the man's speech was definitely slurred. "He was very sweary. SHOUTING IN THE STREET ...I didn't hear anything said in return. Just him.... It was revealed yesterday that Mrs Chapple had been verbally abused just days before she and her husband were knifed to death. Chilling doorbell cam footage shows garden centre coffee shop worker Mrs Chapple returning home just after 5pm and walking towards her front door. She reaches for the door handle when a man confronts her in the dark. He accuses her of ...f***ing gobbing off... and brands her a ...cheeky little b***h.... Mrs Chapple turns towards him and replies: ...She's the one who started it, so f*** off.... CHILLING VIDEO The man shouts back: ...What's that, you f***ing c***? You fat b**** f***ing dirty...... Mrs Chapple tells him to ...f*** off... again before heading inside as the man, who appears in shot, walks away calling her a ...f***ing c***.... Ex-Commando Collin Reeves, who served in Afghanistan, was arrested on suspicion of murder following the tragedy. A social media snap of Reeves in uniform shows him wearing The Afghanistan Campaign medal and the Queen's diamond jubilee medal. Another man, 67, believed to be his dad, has been released on bail. A post mortem examination found Mrs Chapple died from multiple stabs wounds, while an autopsy is continuing on her husband. The couple's children are now being cared for by Mrs Chapple's sister at her home nearby. FRIENDS' TEARS Heartbroken friends have paid tribute to the garden centre worker and her husband, a computer teacher at a secondary school. One pal said: ...Make time for your friends. Make that visit to see family. You just never know what could happen tomorrow.... While another wrote: ...Absolutely unbelievable. Cherish your friends and family you really don't know when it will be too late.... Floral tributes were also left at the scene today by devastated friends. One message read: ...Jennifer you lit up the street with your smile. ...You and Steve have been such wonderful friends since you arrived in our lives. Most read in News BLASTS & BLAZE Explosions heard & homes urgently evacuated as inferno breaks out at factory CHANNEL CRISIS At least 33 migrants drown after dinghy flips during Channel crossing 'SNATCHED OFF STREET' Bobbi-Anne, 18, 'abducted by stranger' on way to meet boyfriend SNOW WAY Up to 20 INCHES of snow to hit in days as dramatic map reveals where it will fall LANDMARK CASE Woman, 20, sues mum's GP for millions claiming she should not have been BORN WHERE'S BOBBI? Body found in hunt for missing teen as 2 men, 24 and 26, held for murder ...Such a kind and welcoming couple. ...You have left a void that will be felt across all those who knew you. ...Words cannot express how much we'll miss you both.... 960Former Commando Collin Reeves has been arrested on suspicion of murder 960Investigations at the house in Somerset continue today 960Neighbours and friends have laid flowers outside the house

Neighbours of couple stabbed to death in 'parking row' heard shouts of 'f***ing a**hole' before bloodbath


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