
US Politics | I have big boobs – I was slammed for wearing plunging top while visiting orphanage but they’re hard to hide

A TOURIST who was slammed for wearing a plunging top while visiting an orphanage has hit out at haters commenting on her big boobs. Kelsey Foster, 28, was left furious after trolls found fault with her outfit choice while she was trying to help underprivileged youngsters. FacebookKelsey Foster, 28, was slammed for wearing a plunging top while visiting the Bali orphanage '/ ' FacebookShe shared snaps of her heartwarming day online \- only to be attacked for her outfit '/ ' FacebookThe 28-year-old Aussie quickly put the ...childish' trolls in their place '/ ' The business owner, from New South Wales, Australia, had spontaneously visited a home for struggling children in Bali during her trip to the humid holiday hotspot. After enjoying a morning of snorkelling, she explained the driver ferrying her and her pals around had suggested the stop. She purchased a hoard of ...rice, eggs, oil and noodles... to donate to the orphanage, keen to put a smile on the kids' faces. But the spur of the moment excursion meant she had no time to change out of her beachwear \- a baby pink bikini paired with a matching sheer co-ord. READ MORE WORLD NEWS DOWN TO THE WIRE Poland installs razor wire fence along Russian border after missile blitz CHINA STANDOFF Moment Xi tells Trudeau 'it's not appropriate' to leak their conversations Kelsey claims both she and the driver checked her outfit was acceptable with the orphanage before the group were invited in. The 28-year-old then proceeded inside to experience a heartwarming day with the disadvantaged children in the sticky heat. The appreciative youngsters then posed for a string of pictures with the mum, proudly grinning with their gifts. Kelsey decided to share the soul-stirring snaps online with her large following in the hopes of ...reminding people of ways to help others.... Most read in The US Sun DANGEROUS OVERSIGHT Delphi murder cops 'forgot suspect's huge admission five years ago' BIG MISTAKE Family Feud's Steve falls & completely 'shuts down' after player's NSFW answer RHO-NO Teresa Giudice mocked as she posts unedited and filtered version of the same pic THE NEW JANELLE Sister Wives' Janelle 'drops 100lbs' & shows off body after dumping Kody IS AL OKAY? Today star Al Roker's wife explains host's continued absence from morning show DEADLY PLAN UVA 'shooter waited until return to campus before fatal attack killing three' But her philanthropic deed backfired \- as the businesswoman was instead bombarded with comments regarding her clothing. One critic commented: ...Next time it would prob be much more respectful to keep your puppies inside your clothes.... Another added: ...It's not something children need to experience at a young age.... But Kelsey quickly condemned trolls targeting her for her assets, explaining she was battling 33C heat and had been swimming. The angered Aussie wrote: ...Hilarious how quick judgment comes because of what I am wearing. ...A swimsuit I had on already from the morning on a 33C day in humidity I am not used to, how dare I? The children didn't care what I was wearing. They had the biggest smiles to see all the food and things I took them. Kelsey Foster ...I loved my time there, loved meeting the children and no one's going to change my mind.... She told Yahoo News that she was only being criticised because she is ...a woman who has breasts that are large and not easy to just hide.... Furious Kelsey added: ...I guarantee if I was a man or middle-aged woman no fuss would be made. ...People were saying I was disrespectful for not covering my skin up and 'that ' I did it for social media, just some really rude people saying I didn't actually mean it, or do it for the children. ...The children didn't care what I was wearing. They had the biggest smiles to see all the food and things I took them.... The 28-year-old said people will ...always find the negative in something positive..., but has refused to let it stop her. Kelsey continued: ...It is not a bad thing to remind people ways to help others. ...If I took donations and did not post to social media to share with friends I would have been labelled a scammer or something, so either way, you win some and lose some.... FacebookShe explained the children ...didn't care what she was wearing' and were simply grateful for her generosity '/ ' FacebookThe mum said she had been snorkelling and didn't have time to change out of her beachwear '/ '

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