US Politics | Vladimir Putin’s health is ‘dramatically deteriorating’ & his ‘secret conditions have impacted his judgement in Ukraine’

VLADIMIR Putin's heath is ...dramatically deteriorating... and his secret conditions have impacted his judgement over Ukraine, it is claimed. Political analyst Valery Solovey \- whose earlier claims about the Kremlin leader's poor health were denied \- alleges that Putin's secret medical conditions have impacted on his judgment on the war.  ReutersPutin's judgement has been obscured by fatal medical conditions, a political analyst claimed '/ ' AFPThe Russian President pictured during a meeting with intelligence chiefs yesterday '/ ' Putin's health has been in the spotlight after the dictator was seen pain' and gripping a table during a televised meeting Putin desperately masks his shakes by embracing Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko during a meeting at the KremlinTwitter/ kenolin1 The desperate tyrant is due to announce the illegal annexation of four Ukrainian regions on Friday in defiance of strong opposition from world leaders. His move is seen as a way of escalating the war and is expected to trigger new wave of Western sanctions.  But Solovey, 62, in an interview with exiled Zhivoi Gvozd radio said Putin's burst of recent activity as president did not mean he was healthy.  ...It is a very strange idea that a gravely ill person cannot work and travel,... he said.  READ MORE ON WORLD NEWS GLAM SHAM Crazed Putin recruits stunning influencers to push creepy '1 per cent' propaganda TYRANT'S END Putin could be killed by generals with his death covered up as 'heart attack' ...Specially in such comfort, accompanied by such a number of doctors, and being serviced 'according to ' top standards of….world medicine. ...Everything is provided for him in that sense.... He claimed, without proof, that as for Putin's health is deteriorating...dramatically.... Solovey \- who claims to have sources inside Putin's circle \- said: ...All of the decisions made by him…on February 24 'start Russian invasion of Ukraine ' and September 21 'start of mobilisation ' are a direct consequence of his physiological status. Most read in The US Sun VLAD'S Z DAY Putin vows to use 'any means' to defend stolen Ukraine regions in nuke threat DIRTY JINGER Duggar critics cringe after they spot 'gross' detail in Jinger's new video 'TRUST YOU' Elon Musk's private texts with Twitter founder a year before $44b deal revealed 'HEY BABE' Hiker found dead after tragic last text to husband revealed she was 'off route' QUICK TRIP Inside supersonic plane that could fly from London to NY in 80 minutes STORM TRAGEDY Hundreds feared dead after Hurricane Ian hits Florida, sheriff says ...Direct in the sense of physiological health and in terms of mental 'health '.... He went as far as to suggest \- without evidence \- that Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if he was in good health. ...Modern therapy, targeted therapy for oncological diseases, is of such quality that you will be working until literally the last few hours,... he said. The self-appointed expert on Putin's health also dismissed claims by CIA director William Burns saying that the Russian leader was ...too healthy....   Solovey dubbed it a ...perfect example of Anglo-Saxon sarcasm... adding: ...The Americans know what's happening to 'Putin '. ...They know the real situation, and they are actually concerned because of it…... He added: ...When they say they see Putin's statements not as bluff, he is in a condition in which this really is not bluffing.... In a pre-recorded message to the Russian people last week, Putin warned the West he would use ...the means at our disposal... to defend Russia and wasn't ...bluffing... \- widely seen as a threat to use nukes. Solovey has previously claimed the Russian dictator is suffering from serious illnesses including cancer, Parkinson's disease and a schizoaffective disorder. There have been Western claims about Putin's health, notably from ex-MI6 head Sir Richard Dearlove, who said the Russian leader faces being sent to a sanatorium, and will be gone by 2023, due to medical issues.  Independent Russian media suggested he was permanently surrounded by top Russian medics including cancer specialists when he goes on trips.  This is not the first time Putin's health has come under scrutiny. In June, a Ukrainian officials claimed the evil tyrant was suffering from ...grave... illnesses and could die within two years. Speaking to USA Today, Ukraine's intelligence chief, Major General Kyrylo O. Budanov said Putin ...doesn't have a long life ahead of him.... In another interview with Sky News, the General insisted Putin was in ...very bad psychological and physical condition and he is very sick.... It comes after a top oligarch reportedly claimed Putin is ...very ill with blood cancer... in the audio recording obtained by New Lines Magazine. Read More on The Sun BAKE TO MINE? Phil Vickery caught kissing ex Fern Britton's best pal after marriage split It isn't clear exactly what type of cancer Putin may have. Pundits have for a long time tried to predict the state of Putin's health to no avail. ReutersThe Russian leader is set to announce the annexation of four Ukrainian regions '/ ' APPutin has staked his reputation on his strongman image '/ '

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