US Politics | Labour’s Harriet Harman leads probe into whether PM Boris Johnson lied to MPs over Partygate
LABOUR'S Harriet Harman will lead a probe into whether Prime Minister Boris Johnson lied to MPs over Partygate. He could be hauled in front of the powerful Privileges Committee live on TV to face questions in the autumn.
Getty Images - GettyLabour's Harriet Harman has hired a top former lawyer to help her collect evidence as she leads a probe into whether Boris Johnson lied over Partygate '/ '
APBut Mr Johnson denies he ...knowingly' misled MPs '/ ' Former Cabinet minister and ex-deputy leader Ms Harman has hired a top former lawyer to help her collect evidence. The PM repeatedly told the Commons there were no parties and he was confident all rules were followed. He, wife Carrie and Chancellor Rishi Sunak got £50 fines. But Mr Johnson denies he ...knowingly... misled MPs, meaning he'd have to quit. Read More on Partygate
BORIS BLOW A dozen Tory MPs poised to submit letters of no confidence in Boris Johnson No 10 staff will be able to submit written evidence anonymously. Tory rebel MPs want to be able to force another vote of confidence in the PM if the probe finds he did lie \- but they will have to change the 1922 rules first which means he's safe for a year. Read More on The Sun
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