Top News | Boss leaves note telling staff not to charge mobiles at work as it’s ‘theft of electricity’ and will be taken from pay

Wed, 24 Nov 2021 20:47:08 +0000
AN angry boss has left a furious note telling staff not to charge mobile phones after claiming it was a ...theft of electricity.... The message, shared online, also said workers were not "entitled" to use their phones at work and could even have their pay deducted. 300The furious note was shared online amid a slew of comments One Reddit user – who claimed to be an employee – said it was one of a string of nasty notes left by the manager over the past year. They ed the post: "One of a seemingly endless series of unreasonable notes left by my boss. It's great here." The message read: "Nobody is entitled to 'charge up' any mobile phone or other electrical devices on these premises. "It is theft of electricity, and you may find a deduction has been made from your pay. "Phones should be switched off," it added. Another angry boss made headlines earlier this month after an Aussie manager slammed his staff for taking ...sick days... and not wearing a suit. Most read in News BLASTS & BLAZE Explosions heard & homes urgently evacuated as inferno breaks out at factory CHANNEL CRISIS At least 33 migrants drown after dinghy flips during Channel crossing 'SNATCHED OFF STREET' Bobbi-Anne, 18, 'abducted by stranger' on way to meet boyfriend SNOW WAY Up to 20 INCHES of snow to hit in days as dramatic map reveals where it will fall LANDMARK CASE Woman, 20, sues mum's GP for millions claiming she should not have been BORN WHERE'S BOBBI? Body found in hunt for missing teen as 2 men, 24 and 26, held for murder Among a string of accusations, he also blasted them for playing "endless ping pong" and likened their taking frequent sick leave to a film about a man dying of Aids. The original missive, titled "Friday observation", was posted out on email. It read: "Morning guys. "Quick observation that is really getting on my tits. ...1: Endless ping pong during CORE BD business hours – especially from people with no money on the board. "2: Not even bothering to put a suit on or pretending to look the part (again with no money on the board). ...3: Some of you are taking more sick days than Tom Hanks during the dying days of Philadelphia...again with no money on the board (and being a cost to the company and me personally).  "5 or 6 of you are REALLY GETTING ON MY TITS in this office – you are a cost, you are demanding and exhausting and you don't even look like you are trying. " 'REDACTED ' will talk to you in more detail on Monday but if 5-6 of you don't pick up your game massively you will see your sorry asses fired and slung out the door in under 3 months". However, the Sydney boss \- who admitted his has a tendency to fly off the handle \- later apologised to staff saying it was clear he was "not at my loquacious best." The outburst comes three years after the man dubbed ...Britain's rudest boss... was revealed to the public.

Boss leaves note telling staff not to charge mobiles at work as it's 'theft of electricity' and will be taken from pay


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